129Special temporary exception as respects coal mines in Durham, Northumberland and Warwick
(1)As respects male young persons who have attained the age of sixteen and are employed (whether above or below ground) at mines of coal in the counties of Durham, Northumberland and Warwick, the following provisions shall have effect until such day (being not later than five years after the commencement of this Act) as the Minister may by order appoint in relation to those counties, namely,—
(a)subsection (1) of section one hundred and twenty-seven of this Act (save in so far as it relates to employment on Saturday after two o'clock in the afternoon or on Sunday) shall not apply;
(b)such a male young person as aforesaid may be employed at a mine on a Sunday after ten o'clock in the evening provided that he has not been employed thereat at any time during the period of thirty-six hours ending immediately before he begins to be employed on that Sunday;
and the reference in subsection (1) of the last foregoing section to the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Act shall be construed accordingly.
(2)Different days may be appointed under the foregoing subsection in relation to the respective counties of Durham, Northumberland and Warwick.