(1)This Part of this Act applies to every compulsory acquisition of an interest in land, in pursuance of a notice to treat served after the commencement of this Act, by a government department or a local or public authority within the meaning of the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, or by a person or body of persons to whom the said Act of 1919 applies as it applies to such a department or authority.
(2)In this Part of this Act, in relation to a compulsory acquisition, the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say:—
" the relevant interest " means the interest acquired ;
" the relevant land " means the land in which the relevant interest subsists;
" the notice to treat " means the notice to treat in pursuance of which the relevant interest is acquired;
" excepted interest " means any interest in the relevant land—
which could not be the subject of a compulsory acquisition, or
which is the interest of any such person as is mentioned in section one hundred and fourteen of the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845 (which relates to persons having no greater interest than as a tenant for a year or from year to year).