1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Enlistment and Terms of Service

    1. Enlistment

      1. 1. Recruiting officers.

      2. 2. Enlistment.

    2. Appointment to corps and transfer from one corps to another

      1. 3. Enlistment for general or corps service and appointment to and transfer between corps.

      2. 4—7.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    3. Extension of service

      1. 8.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      2. 9. Postponement in certain cases of discharge or transfer to the reserve.

      3. 10.(1) If it appears to Her Majesty that national danger...

    4. Discharge and transfer to reserve

      1. 11. Discharge.

      2. 12. Transfer to the reserve.

      3. 13. Postponement of discharge or transfer pending proceedings for offences.

      4. 14.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      5. 15. Right of warrant officer to discharge on reduction to ranks.

      6. 16.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    5. Miscellaneous and supplementary provisions

      1. 17. Forfeiture of service for desertion and restoration of forfeited service.

      2. 18. Validity of attestation and enlistment.

      3. 19. False answers in attestation paper.

      4. 20.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      5. 21. Service of aliens in regular forces.

      6. 22. Regulations as to enlistment.

      7. 23. Interpretation of Part I.

  3. Part II Discipline and Trial and Punishment of Military Offences

    1. Misconduct in action and other offences arising out of military service

      1. 24. Misconduct in action.

      2. 25. Assisting the enemy.

      3. 26. Obstructing operations, giving false air signals, etc.

      4. 27. Prize offences by commanding officers.

      5. 28. Other prize offences.

      6. 29. Offences by or in relation to sentries, persons on watch, etc.

      7. 29A. Failure to attend for duty, neglect of duty, etc.

      8. 30. Looting.

    2. Mutiny and insubordination

      1. 31. Mutiny.

      2. 32. Failure to suppress mutiny.

      3. 33. Insubordinate behaviour.

      4. 34. Disobedience to lawful commands.

      5. 34A. Failure to provide a sample for drug testing.

      6. 35. Obstruction of provost officers.

      7. 36. Disobedience to standing orders.

    3. Desertion, absence without leave, etc.

      1. 37. Desertion.

      2. 38. Absence without leave.

      3. 39. Failure to report or apprehend deserters or absentees.

      4. 40, 41.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    4. Malingering and drunkenness

      1. 42. Malingering.

      2. 43. Drunkenness.

    5. Disorderly conduct

      1. 43A. Fighting, threatening words, etc.

    6. Offences relating to property

      1. 44. Damage to, and loss of, public or service property, etc.

      2. 44A. Damage to, and loss of, Her Majesty’s aircraft or aircraft material.

      3. 44B. Interference etc. with equipment, messages or signals.

      4. 45. Misapplication and waste of public or service property.

      5. 46. Offences relating to issues and decorations.

    7. Offences relating to billeting and requisitioning of vehicles

      1. 47. Billeting Offences.

      2. 48. Offences in relation to requisitioning of vehicles.

    8. Flying etc. offences

      1. 48A. Loss or hazarding of ship.

      2. 49. Dangerous flying, etc.

      3. 50. Inaccurate certification.

      4. 51. Low flying.

      5. 52. Annoyance by flying.

    9. Offences relating to, and by, persons in custody

      1. 53.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      2. 54. Permitting escape, and unlawful release of prisoners.

      3. 55. Resistance to arrest.

      4. 56. Escape from confinement.

    10. Offences in relation to courts-martial and civil authorities

      1. 57. Offences in relation to courts-martial.

      2. 58.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      3. 59.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    11. Miscellaneous offences

      1. 60. Unauthorised disclosure of information.

      2. 61. Making of false statements on enlistment.

      3. 62. Making of false documents.

      4. 63. Offences against civilian population.

      5. 63A. Offences against morale.

      6. 64. Scandalous conduct by officers.

      7. 65. Ill-treatment of officers or men of inferior rank.

      8. 66. Disgraceful conduct.

      9. 67.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      10. 68. Attempts to commit military offences.

      11. 68A. Aiding and abetting etc., and inciting.

      12. 69. Conduct to prejudice of military discipline.

    12. Civil offences

      1. 70. Civil offences.

    13. Punishments available to courts-martial

      1. 71. Scale of punishments, and supplementary provisions.

      2. 71A. Juveniles.

      3. 71AA. Young service offenders: custodial orders.

      4. 71AB.Reasons to be given where custodial sentence awarded to young offender.

      5. 71B. Power to impose imprisonment for default in payment of fines.

    14. Arrest

      1. 74. Power to arrest offenders.

    15. Custody

      1. 75. Provisions for avoiding delay after arrest.

      2. 75A. Authorisation of custody without charge.

      3. 75B. Review of custody by commanding officer.

      4. 75C. Extension of custody without charge.

      5. 75D. Custody without charge: other cases.

      6. 75E. Custody without charge: supplementary.

      7. 75F. Custody after charge.

      8. 75G. Review of custody after charge.

      9. 75H. Custody during court-martial proceedings.

      10. 75J. Release from custody after charge or during proceedings.

      11. 75K. Arrest during proceedings.

      12. 75L. Judicial officers.

      13. 75M. Custody rules.

    16. Investigation of, and summary dealing with, charges

      1. 76. Investigation of charges by commanding officer

      2. 76A. Powers of higher authority.

      3. 76AA. Right to elect for court-martial trial.

      4. 76B. Summary dealings.

      5. 76C. Punishments available on summary dealings.

      6. 77. Charges to be dealt with summarily or by court-martial.

      7. 77A. Power to stay further proceedings.

      8. 78. Further proceedings on charges against N.C.O.s and soldiers.

      9. 79. Further proceedings on charges against officers and warrant officers.

      10. 80. Directions by higher authority for dismissal of charges or stay of proceedings.

      11. 81. Confession of desertion by warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier.

      12. 82. Officers who are to act as commanding officers and appropriate superior authorities.

      13. 83. Regulations as to summary dealings etc.

    17. The summary appeal court

      1. 83ZA. The summary appeal court.

      2. 83ZB. Judge advocates.

      3. 83ZC. Officers qualified for membership of summary appeal court.

      4. 83ZD. Constitution of summary appeal court for appeals.

      5. 83ZE. Right of appeal.

      6. 83ZF. Hearing of appeals.

      7. 83ZG. Powers of summary appeal court.

      8. 83ZH. Making of, and appeals from, decisions of court.

      9. 83ZJ. Rules of summary appeal court.

      10. 83ZK. Administration of oaths to members of summary appeal court.

      11. 83ZL. Privileges of witnesses and others.

    18. The prosecuting authority

      1. 83A. The prosecuting authority.

      2. 83B. Functions of the prosecuting authority.

      3. 83BB. Cases where charge may be referred back to commanding officer.

      4. 83BC. Power of prosecuting authority to advise police forces

      5. 83C. Prosecuting officers.

    19. Courts-martial: general provisions

      1. 84. Trial to be by general court-martial, district court-martial or in certain cases field generalcourt-martial.

      2. 84A. Court administration officers.

      3. 84B. Judge advocates.

      4. 84C. Convening of general and district courts-martial.

      5. 84D. Constitution of general and district courts-martial.

      6. 85. Powers of different descriptions of court-martial.

      7. 85A. Powers of court-martial where accused elected court-martial trial.

      8. 86. Officers having power to convene courts-martial.

      9. 87. Constitution of general courts-martial.

      10. 88. Constitution of district courts-martial.

      11. 89. Constitution of field general courts-martial.

      12. 90. Supplementary provisions as to constitution of courts-martial.

      13. 91. Place for sitting of courts-martial and adjournment to other places.

    20. Courts-martial: provisions relating to trial

      1. 92. Challenges by accused.

      2. 93. Administration of oaths.

      3. 94. Courts-martial to sit in open court.

      4. 95. Dissolution of courts-martial.

      5. 96. Decisions of courts-martial.

      6. 97. Finding and sentence.

      7. 98. Power to convict of offence other than that charged.

      8. 99. Rules of evidence.

      9. 99A. Proof at courts-martial by written statement.

      10. 100. Privilege of witnesses and others at courts-martial.

      11. 101. Offences by civilians in relation to courts-martial.

      12. 102. Affirmations.

    21. O ffences: procedure

      1. 103. Rules.

    22. Field General Courts-Martial

      1. 103A. Field general courts-martial.

      2. 103B. Constitution of field general courts-martial.

      3. 103C. Field General Court-Martial Rules.

      4. 104.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      5. 105.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      6. 106.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    23. Confirmation, revision and review of proceedings of courts-martial

      1. 107. Confirmation of proceedings of courts-martial.

      2. 108. Petitions against finding or sentence.

      3. 109. Revision of findings of courts-martial.

      4. 110. Powers of confirming officers.

      5. 111. Confirming officers.

    24. Review of proceedings of courts-martial

      1. 112. Approval required for death sentences.

      2. 113. Review of findings and sentences of courts-martial.

      3. 113AA. Powers of the reviewing authority.

      4. 113A. Power of reviewing authority to authorise retrial.

      5. 114.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    25. Review of summary findings and awards

      1. 115. Review of summary findings and awards

    26. Findings of insanity

      1. 116. Provisions where accused found insane.

    27. Saving for functions of Judge Advocate General

      1. 117. Saving for functions of Judge Advocate General.

    28. Commencement, suspension and duration of sentences

      1. 118. Commencement of sentences.

      2. 118ZA. Commencement of sentence of detention awarded by commanding officer.

      3. 118A. Consecutive terms of imprisonment and detention.

      4. 119. Duration of sentences of imprisonment and detention.

      5. 119A. Limitation of total period of sentences of detention.

      6. 120. Suspension of sentences.

      7. 120A. Postponement of sentences.

    29. Execution of sentences of death, imprisonment and detention

      1. 121. Execution of sentences of death.

      2. 122. Imprisonment and Detention Rules.

      3. 123. Supplementary provisions relating to regulations and rules under ss. 121 & 122.

      4. 124. Restrictions on serving of sentences of detention in prisons.

      5. 125. Special provisions as to civil prisons in the United Kingdom.

      6. 126. Special provisions as to carrying out or serving of sentences outside the United Kingdom otherwise thanin military establishments.

      7. 127. Country in which sentence of imprisonment or detention to be served.

      8. 128. Application of enactments relating to coroners.

      9. 129. Duties of governors of prisons and others to receive prisoners.

      10. 130. Application to air-force establishments and custody.

    30. Trial of persons ceasing to be subject to military law and time limits for trials

      1. 131. Trial and punishment of offences under military law notwithstanding offender ceasing to be subject tomilitary law.

      2. 132. Limitation of time for trial of offences under military law.

      3. 133. Jurisdiction of civil courts

      4. 133A. Financial penalty enforcement orders.

      5. 134. Persons not to be tried under this Act for offences already disposed of.

    31. Inquiries

      1. 135. Boards of inquiry.

      2. 136. Inquiries into absence.

      3. 137. Regimental inquiries.

    32. Miscellaneous provisions

      1. 138. Restitution or compensation for theft, etc.

      2. 139. Appointment of judge advocates.

      3. 140. Promulgation.

      4. 141. Custody of proceedings of courts-martial and right of accused to a copy thereof.

      5. 141A. Right of penalised parent or guardian to copy of record of court-martial proceedings.

      6. 142. Indemnity for prison officers, etc.

    33. Interpretation

      1. 143. Interpretation of Part II.

  4. Part III Forfeitures and Deductions and Enforcement of Maintenance Liabilities

    1. 144. Forfeitures and deductions: general provisions.

    2. 145. Forfeiture of pay for absence from duty.

    3. 146.Where a person sentenced or ordered by a civil court...

    4. 147. Compensation for loss occasioned by wrongful act or negligence.

    5. 148. Deductions for barrack damage.

    6. 149. Remission of forfeitures and deductions.

    7. 150. Enforcement of maintenance and affiliation orders by deduction from pay.

    8. 150A.Enforcement of maintenance assessment by deductions from pay.

    9. 150AA.Enforcement of maintenance assessment by deductions from pay.

    10. 151. Deductions from pay for maintenance of wife or child.

    11. 151A. Deductions from pay in respect of judgment debts etc.

    12. 152. Limit of deductions under ss. 150 and 151 and effect on forfeiture.

    13. 153. Service of process in maintenance proceedings.

  5. Part IV Billeting and Requisitioning of Vehicles

    1. Billeting

      1. 154. Billeting requisitions.

      2. 155. Premises in which billets may be provided.

      3. 156. Provision of billets.

      4. 157. Billeting schemes.

      5. 158. Accommodation to be provided and payment therefor.

      6. 159. Appeals against billeting.

      7. 160. Compensation for damage.

      8. 161. Refusal to receive persons billeted, etc.

      9. 162. Application to civilians employed with the forces.

      10. 163. Local authority.

      11. 164. Suspension of laws against billeting.

    2. Requisitioning of vehicles

      1. 165. Requisitioning orders.

      2. 166. Provision of vehicles.

      3. 167. Period for which vehicles to be furnished.

      4. 168. Payment for vehicles furnished.

      5. 169. Avoidance of hardship in requisitioning of vehicles.

      6. 170. Record and inspection of mechanically-propelled vehicles.

      7. 171. Enforcement of provisions as to requisitioning.

      8. 172. Application to horses, food, forage and stores.

      9. 173. Liability of Crown for damage by vehicles being delivered for requisitioning.

    3. General

      1. 174. Bringing into operation of ss. 154 and 165.

      2. 175. Regulations and orders.

      3. 176. Interpretation of Part IV.

  6. Part V General Provisions

    1. Powers of command

      1. 177. Powers of command.

      2. 178. Powers of command of members of co-operating naval or air forces.

    2. Attachment to naval or air forces

      1. 179. Attachment of members of military forces to naval or air forces.

    3. Redress of complaints

      1. 180. Complaints by officers.

      2. 181. Complaints by warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

    4. Exemptions for members of regular forces

      1. 182. Officers on active list not to be sheriffs.

      2. 183.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      3. 184. Exemptions from tolls, etc.

      4. 185. Exemption from taking in execution of property used for military purposes.

    5. Provisions relating to deserters and absentees without leave

      1. 186. Arrest of deserters and absentees without leave.

      2. 187. Proceedings before a civil court where persons suspected of illegal absence.

      3. 188. Deserters and absentees without leave surrendering to police.

      4. 189. Certificates of arrest or surrender of deserters and absentees.

      5. 190. Duties of governors of prisons and others to receive deserters and absentees.

    6. Further powers of arrest of civil authorities

      1. 190A. Arrest under warrants of commanding officers.

      2. 190B. Arrest of persons unlawfully at large.

    7. Offences relating to military matters punishable by civil courts

      1. 191. Punishment for pretending to be a deserter.

      2. 192. Punishment for procuring and assisting desertion.

      3. 193. Punishment for obstructing members of regular forces in execution of duty.

      4. 194. Punishment for aiding malingering.

      5. 195. Unlawful purchase, etc. of military stores.

      6. 196. Illegal dealings in documents relating to pay, pensions, mobilisation, etc.

      7. 197. Unauthorised use of and dealing in decorations, etc.

    8. Provisions as to evidence

      1. 198. General provisions as to evidence.

      2. 198A, 198B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      3. 198C. Provision as to age.

      4. 199. Proof of outcome of civil trial.

      5. 200. Evidence of proceedings of court-martial.

      6. 200A. False statements in computer record certificates.

    9. Miscellaneous Provisions

      1. 201. Restrictions on reduction in rank of warrant officers and non-commissioned officers.

      2. 202. Temporary reception in civil custody of persons under escort.

      3. 203. Avoidance of assignment of or charge on military pay, pensions, etc.

      4. 204. Power of certain officers to take affidavits and declarations.

      5. 204A. Exclusion of enactments requiring fiat of Attorney General etc., in connection with proceedings.

  7. Part VI Application of Act and Supplemental Provisions

    1. Persons subject to military law

      1. 205. Persons subject to military law: general provisions.

      2. 206. Persons subject to military law: Commonwealth forces.

      3. 207. Persons subject to military law: Colonial forces.

      4. 208. Persons subject to military law: attached members of naval and air forces.

      5. 208A. Application of Act to passengers in H.M. ships and aircraft.

      6. 209. Application of Act to civilians.

    2. Application of Act to particular corps and forces

      1. 210. Provisions as to Royal Marines.

      2. 211. Application of Act to reserve and auxiliary forces.

      3. 212. Provisions as to Home Guard.

      4. 213. Modification of certain provisions in relation to women.

    3. Application to different countries

      1. 214. Application to Scotland.

      2. 215. Application to Northern Ireland.

      3. 216. Application to Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

      4. 217. Application to certain overseas territories.

      5. 218.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      6. 219.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    4. Supplemental provisions

      1. 220. Jurisdiction of courts.

      2. 221.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      3. 222. Provisions as to summary fines in Colonies.

      4. 223. Execution of orders, instruments, etc.

      5. 224. Provisions as to active service.

      6. 225. General provisions as to interpretation.

      7. 226.Short title, commencement and duration.



      Procedure for Attestation

      1. 1.The recruiting officer shall warn the person to be enlisted...

      2. 2.He shall then read, or cause to be read, to...

      3. 3.He shall then ask that person to make and sign...

      4. 4.Upon signing the declaration and taking the oath the said...

      5. 5.The recruiting officer shall by signature attest, in the manner...

      6. 6.When in accordance with such regulations the recruit is finally...


      . . .


      Alternative offences of which accused may be convicted by court-martial


      Supplementary Provisions as to Payment for Requisitioned Vehicles

      1. 1.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, any payment...

      2. 2.(1) As soon as may be after the furnishing of...

      3. 3.(1) A person to whom a receipt or notice under...

      4. 4.(1) Subject to the provisions of the last foregoing paragraph...

      5. 5.The instructions of the Defence Council referred to in paragraph...

      6. 6.In the foregoing provisions of this Schedule the expression “damage”...

      7. 7.Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Schedule shall apply...

      8. 8.A county court shall have jurisdiction to deal with any...


      Civilians outside the United Kingdom subject to Part II when not on Active Service

      1. 1.Persons serving Her Majesty, or otherwise employed, in such capacities...

      2. 2.Persons who are employed by, or in the service of,...

      3. 3.Persons belonging to or employed by any other organisation so...

      4. 4.Persons who, for the purposes of their profession or employment,...

      5. 5.Persons forming part of the family of members of any...

      6. 6.Persons forming part of the family of persons falling within...

      7. 7.Persons employed by members of any of Her Majesty’s naval,...

      8. 8.Persons employed by persons falling within paragraphs 1 to 6...

      9. 9.Persons forming part of the family of persons falling within...

    6. SCHEDULE 5A

      Powers of Court on Trial of Civilian

      1. General

        1. 1.The powers conferred by this Schedule shall be exercisable on...

        2. 2.(1) In this Schedule— “community supervision order” has the meaning...

      2. Deferment of award of sentence

        1. 2A.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, where a...

      3. Absolute and conditional discharge

        1. 3.(1) The court by which a civilian is found guilty...

      4. Community supervision orders

        1. 4.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (4) below, where a civilian ....

      5. Absolute and conditional discharge and community supervision orders—supplementary

        1. 5.(1) If upon finding a person guilty of an offence...

      6. Reception orders and committal into care—general

        1. 6.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      7. Committal into care—England and Wales

        1. 7.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      8. Committal into care—transfer to Scotland

        1. 8.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      9. Committal into care—transfer to Northern Ireland

        1. 9.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      10. Custodial orders

        1. 10.(1) Where a civilian who has attained the minimum age...

      11. Compensation orders

        1. 11.(1) The court, on finding a civilian guilty of an...

        2. 12.(1) The operation of a compensation order made by a...

      12. Imposition of fines on and making of compensation orders against parents and guardians

        1. 13.(1) Where— (a) a civilian under 17 years of age...

      13. Orders requiring parents or guardians to enter into recognisance

        1. 14.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) below, where a civilian under...

      14. Scale of punishments and orders

        1. 15.(1) In their application to civilians, references in this Act...

      15. Indemnity for persons carrying out orders under Schedule

        1. 16.No action shall lie in respect of anything done by...

      16. Regulations

        1. 17.(1) The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision...


      Application of Military Law to attached Members of Naval and Air Forces

      1. 1.(1) As respects the punishment of a person subject to...

      2. 2.For the purposes of the provisions of this Act relating...

      3. 3, 4.. . . . . . . . . ....

      4. 5.In proceedings under this Act against a person subject to...

      5. 6.In the application of this Act to a person subject...

      6. 7.In relation to a person subject to military law as...

      7. 8.In the application of sections one hundred and forty-four and...

      8. 9.Sections one hundred and fifty to one hundred and fifty-two...

      9. 10.In this Schedule— (a) references to a person’s own service...


      Provisions as to Royal Marines

      1. Part I Enlistment, Service and Discharge

        1. 1.The provisions of the six following paragraphs shall have effect...

        2. 2, 3.. . . . . . . . . ....

        3. 4.(1) The provisions of this and the two next following...

        4. 4A.(1) This paragraph applies to a marine serving in the...

        5. 4B.(1) If it appears to Her Majesty that national danger...

        6. 5.(1) The following provisions shall have effect as to the...

        7. 5A.. . . . . . . . . ....

        8. 6.Subsections (1) and (2) of section three, . . ....

        9. 7.Section eighteen shall have effect, in relation to men of...

        10. 8.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

        11. 9.. . . . . . . . . ....

        12. 10.In this Part of this Schedule references to a marine...

        13. 10A.Subsection (2) of section 22 applies to the powers to...

      2. Part II Miscellaneous Adaptations

        1. 11.. . . . . . . . . ....

        2. 12, 12A.. . . . . . . . . ....

        3. 13—15.. . . . . . . . . ....

        4. 16.In the provisions of this Act relating to confessions of...

        5. 17.. . . . . . . . . ....

        6. 18.In the provisions of this Act relating to forfeitures of...

        7. 19.Except to the extent that they are applied by paragraph...

        8. 20, 21.. . . . . . . . . ....

        9. 22.In this Act the expression “the regular forces” does not...

      3. Part III Transfers

        1. 23.A warrant officer non-commissioned officer or marine of the Royal...

        2. 24.Where a person is in pursuance of the last foregoing...