PART IEnlistment and Terms of Service

Extension of service

10Continuation of air-force service in imminent national danger


In the case of imminent national danger or of great emergency Her Majesty in Council may by proclamation order that airmen who would otherwise fall to be transferred to the reserve .shall continue in air-force service; and thereupon the last foregoing section shall apply to such airmen as it applies while men of the reserve are called out on permanent service.


Any such proclamation may enable the Air Council from time to time to give, and when given to revoke or vary, such directions as may seem to them necessary or expedient for causing all or any of the airmen mentioned in the proclamation to continue in air-force service.


The danger or emergency which is the occasion of a proclamation under this section shall, if Parliament is then sitting, be communicated to Parliament before the proclamation is issued, and shall if Parliament is not then sitting be declared in the proclamation.