PART IIDiscipline and Trial and Punishment of Air-Force Offences

Confirmation, Revision and Review of Proceedings of Courts-Martial

114Reconsideration of sentences of imprisonment and detention


Sentences of imprisonment and detention may be reconsidered by such officers (not below the rank of air commodore or corresponding naval or military rank) as may be specified by regulations of the Air Council; and if on any such reconsideration it appears to the authority that the conduct of the offender since his conviction has been such as to justify remission of the sentence, whether in whole or in part, it shall be remitted accordingly.


The power to reconsider a sentence may be exercised at any time after confirmation, and where after the review of a sentence it is effective it shall be reconsidered not less frequently than at such intervals as shall be specified by regulations of the Air Council:

Provided that delay in complying with this subsection shall not invalidate the sentence.