PART IIDiscipline and Trial and Punishment of Air-Force Offences


71Punishment of officers

(1)The punishments which may be awarded to an officer by sentence of a court-martial under this Act are, subject to the limitations hereinafter provided on the powers of certain courts-martial, those set out in the following scale; and in relation to an officer references in this Act to punishments provided by this Act are references to those punishments.

(2)The said scale is:—




(d)dismissal from Her Majesty's service ;

(e)forfeiture in the prescribed manner of seniority of rank;

(f)severe reprimand or reprimand;

(g)where the offence has occasioned any expense, loss or damage, stoppages.

(3)For the purposes of this Part of this Act a punishment specified in any paragraph of the said scale shall be treated as less than the punishments specified in the preceding paragraphs, and greater than those specified in the following paragraphs, of the scale.

(4)Save as expressly provided in this Act, not more than one punishment shall be awarded by a court-martial for one offence.

(5)Stoppages may be awarded by a court-martial either in addition to or without any other punishment.

(6)A severe reprimand or reprimand may be awarded by a court-martial in addition to forfeiture of seniority of rank.

(7)Where an officer is sentenced by a court-martial to imprisonment he shall also be sentenced to be cashiered:

Provided that if the court-martial fails to sentence him to be cashiered, the sentence of imprisonment shall not be invalid but shall be deemed to include a sentence of cashiering.