(1)An accused about to be tried by any court-martial shall be entitled to object, on any reasonable grounds, to any member of the court, whether appointed originally or in lieu of another officer.
(2)For the purpose of enabling the accused to avail himself of the right conferred by the last foregoing subsection, the names of the members of the court shall be read over in the presence of the accused before they are sworn, and he shall be asked whether he objects to any of those officers.
(3)Every objection made by an accused to any officer shall be considered by the other officers appointed members of the court.
(4)If objection is made to the president and not less than one-third of the other members of the court allow it, the court shall adjourn and the convening officer shall appoint another president.
(5)If objection is made to a member of the court other than the president and not less than one half of the members entitled to vote allow it, the member Objected to shall retire and the vacancy may, and if otherwise the number of members would be reduced below the legal minimum shall, be filled in the prescribed manner by another officer.