Part II Discipline and Trial and Punishment of Air-Force Offences

Courts-martial: provisions relating to trial

96 Decisions of courts-martial.


Subject to the provisions of this section, every question to be determined on a trial by court-martial shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members of the court.


In the case of an equality of votes on the finding, the court shall acquit the accused.


A finding of guilty where the only punishment which the court can award is death shall not have effect unless it is reached with the concurrence of all the members of the court; and where on such a finding being come to by a majority of the members there is no such concurrence, the court shall be dissolved and the accused may be tried by another court.


Where the accused is found guilty and the court has power to sentence him either to death or to some less punishment, sentence of death shall not be passed without the concurrence of all the members of the court.


In the case of an equality of votes on the sentence, or on any question arising after the commencement of a trial, except the finding, the president shall have a second or casting vote.