THIRD SCHEDULE Provisions Replacing Sections 174 and 174a of Army and Air Force Acts

Entertainments under Service direction



So much of any Act as operates to prohibit as respects particular days, or otherwise to restrict or regulate, the keeping, opening or using of premises for purposes of public entertainment or amusement shall not apply to the use, by authority of a Secretary of State . . ., F1of any building at a camp, station, or naval establishment, or of any ship, for entertainments or amusements under the direction and control of an officer or committee having official responsibility for such matters.


For the purposes of this paragraph, the expression “public entertainment or amusement” includes public dancing, singing or music, the public performance of stage plays and the giving of cinematograph exhibitions; and in the case of a building or ship which is used for the giving of cinematograph exhibitions, the keeping or storing of films shall be deemed to be part of the use thereof for the giving of exhibitions.


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