Crofters (Scotland) Act 1955 (repealed 5.1.1994) Establishment of Crofters Commission1 Constitution and general functions of Crofters Commission.2 Particular powers and duties of the Commission. Crofting Tenure3 Definition of “croft” and “crofter”, and conditions of tenure of crofter. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Rent.6 Record of croft.7 Renunciation of tenancy.8 Assignation of croft. 9 Sub-division of croft.10 Bequest of croft.11 Succession to croft.12 Resumption of croft or part of croft by landlord.13 Provisions as to removal of crofter.14 Compensation for improvements and compensation for deterioration or damage. Administration of Crofts15 Commission to obtain information and to compile register of crofts.16 Vacant crofts.16A Provisions supplementary to s. 16(9).17 Absentee crofters.18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19—21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Power of Secretary of State to give financial assistance to crofters.23 Supplementary provisions as to loans. Common Grazings24 Appointment, etc., of grazings committee or grazings constable.25 Powers and duties of grazings committees.26 Common grazings regulations.26A Use of common grazings for forestry purposes.27 Miscellaneous provisions as to common grazings, as to lands held runrig, and as to use by crofters of peat bogs, etc. Cottars28 Provisions as to cottars. Miscellaneous and General Provisions29 Service of notices.30 Provisions as to entry and inspection.31 Building grants and loans to owner-occupiers of like economic status as crofters.32 Provisions as to compulsory purchase of land and as to management of land.33 Provisions as to representations.34 Determination of disputes, etc.35 Financial provisions.36 Regulations.37 Interpretation.38 Application of Act and modification of enactments in relation to the crofting counties.39 Transitional provisions and savings.40 Citation and commencement. SCHEDULESFIRST SCHEDULE Provisions as to the Crofters Commission Constitution of the Commission1The Commission shall be a body corporate and shall have...2Every member of the Commission shall hold and vacate office...3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4The Secretary of State shall pay to the members of... Meetings and Proceedings of the Commission5The quorum of the Commission shall be three or such...6The proceedings of the Commission shall not be invalidated by...7If at any meeting of the Commission the votes are...8The Commission shall refer to one or more of their...9In any application or other proceeding coming before them the...10Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Schedule, the Commission... Office, Officers and Servants11The Commission shall have an office in the crofting counties...12The Secretary of State may provide the services of such... Instruments executed or issued by the Commission13The application of the seal of the Commission to any...14Every document purporting to be an instrument issued by the...SECOND SCHEDULE The Statutory Conditions1The crofter shall pay his rent at the terms at...2The crofter shall not, except in accordance with the provisions...3The crofter shall, by himself or his family, with or...3AThe crofter shall provide such fixed equipment on his croft...4The crofter shall not, to the prejudice of the interest...5A crofter shall not sublet his croft or any part...6The crofter shall not, except in accordance with the provisions...7The crofter shall not, without the consent in writing of...8The crofter shall not persistently violate any written condition signed...9The crofter shall not do any act whereby he becomes...10The crofter shall permit the landlord or any person authorised...11The crofter shall not on his croft, without the consent...12In this Schedule— the expression “cultivate” includes the use of...THIRD SCHEDULE Provisions as to Security, etc., of Loans1The loan shall be secured by a heritable security over...2The loan shall either be repaid by half-yearly instalments of...3The amount for the time being unpaid may at any...4A certificate by the Secretary of State that the whole...5The Secretary of State shall cause to be prepared and...FOURTH SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . ....FIFTH SCHEDULE Permanent Improvements1Dwelling-house. 1AImprovement works carried out in compliance with a notice of...2Farm offices. 3Subsoil and other drains. 4Walls and fences. 5Deep trenching. 6Clearing the ground. 7Planting trees other than under section 25(1C) of this Act....8Making piers or landing stages. 9Roads practicable for vehicles from the croft to the public...10All other improvements which, in the judgment of the Land...11Buildings or other structures erected under section five of the...SIXTH SCHEDULE Application of Enactments to Crofting CountiesPart I Enactments ceasing to have effectPart II Modification of EnactmentsCrofters (Scotland) Act 1955 F1(repealed 5.1.1994)1955 CHAPTER 21 3 and 4 Eliz 2