

FIRST SCHEDULEAmendment of section forty-one of Local Government Act, 1948


Subsections (1) to (3) as amended by this Act

(1)Every proposal must—

(a)be made in writing and, except where it is made by the valuation officer, be served on the valuation officer;

(b)specify the grounds on which the proposed alteration is supported;

(c)comply with any requirements of any regulations made by the Minister with respect to the form of proposals and otherwise with respect to the making thereof.

(2)The valuation officer shall, within twenty-eight days after the date on which a proposal is served on him, or within seven days after the date on which a proposal is made by him, as the case may be, transmit a copy thereof, together with a statement in writing of the right of objection conferred by the subsequent provisions of this section, to each of the following persons, not being the maker of the proposal, that is to say—

(a)the occupier of the hereditament to which the proposal relates; and

(b)the rating authority for the area in which the hereditament in question is situated.

(3)Any of the following persons, that is to say, the owner or occupier of the whole or any part of a hereditament to which a proposal relates or the rating authority for the area in which the hereditament is situated may, within twenty-eight days from the date on which notice is served under subsection (2) of this section on the occupier or, in the case of the rating authority (where they are not the occupier), on the rating authority, serve on the valuation officer notice in writing of objection to the proposal, and the valuation officer shall, within twenty-eight days of the date on which a notice of objection is served on him, transmit a copy thereof to the maker of the proposal.