[1(a) An International Fact-Finding Commission (hereinafter referred to as “ the Commission ”) consisting of fifteen members of high moral standing and acknowledged impartiality shall be established. U.K.
(b)When not less than twenty High Contracting Parties have agreed to accept the competence of the Commission pursuant to paragraph 2, the depositary shall then, and at intervals of five years thereafter, convene a meeting of representatives of those High Contracting Parties for the purpose of electing the members of the Commission. At the meeting, the representatives shall elect the members of the Commission by secret ballot from a list of persons to which each of those High Contracting Parties may nominate one person.
(c)The members of the Commission shall serve in their personal capacity and shall hold office until the election of new members at the ensuing meeting.
(d)At the election, the High Contracting Parties shall ensure that the persons to be elected to the Commission individually possess the qualifications required and that, in the Commission as a whole, equitable geographical representation is assured.
(e)In the case of a casual vacancy, the Commission itself shall fill the vacancy, having due regard to the provisions of the preceding sub-paragraphs.
(f)The depositary shall make available to the Commission the necessary administrative facilities for the performance of its functions.]