SEVENTH SCHEDULEEnactments Repealed as Superseded

PART IPrincipal Repeals

A. Acts of Parliament

Session and ChapterShort TitleExtent of Repeal
14 Eliz. 1. c. 11The Ecclesiastical Leases Act, 1572.In section five the words “masters or guardians of any hospital” and the words “and hospitals ”.
52 Geo. 3. c. 101.The Charities Procedure Act, 1812.The whole Act.
6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 20.The Ecclesiastical Leases Act, 1836.The words “nor any master or guardian of any hospital” in section one, and the words “or hospital” and the words “master or guardian”, wherever occurring in sections one, two, four and five.
6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 64.The Ecclesiastical Leases (Amendment) Act, 1836.In section one, the words “master or guardian ”, in both places.
13 & 14 Vict. c. 28.The Trustee Appointment Act, 1850.The whole Act.
14 & 15 Vict. c. 56.The Charities (Service of Notice) Act, 1851.The whole Act.
16 & 17 Vict. c. 137.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853.The whole Act.
17 & 18 Vict. c. 112.The Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854.Section twelve.
18 & 19 Vict. c. 124.The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855.The whole Act
23 & 24 Vict. c. 136.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860.The whole Act.
25 & 26 Vict. c. 112.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1862.The whole Act.
32 & 33 Vict. c. 26.The Trustee Appointment Act, 1869.The whole Act.
32 & 33 Vict. c. 56.The Endowed Schools Act, 1869.Section twenty-eight; section thirty-six from “and submit” onwards; section thirty-seven; paragraph (2) of section thirty-nine; in section forty the words from “submit” to “The Committee may”, and the word “such”; section forty-nine.
32 & 33 Vict. c. 110.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1869.The whole Act
33 & 34 Vict. c. 75.The Elementary Education Act, 1870.The whole Act, so far as not otherwise repealed.
35 & 36 Vict. c. 24.The Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act, 1872.Section two from “Provided always” onwards; in the Schedule, the words " and ' Registered'".
36 & 37 Vict. c. 19.The Poor Allotments Management Act, 1873.Section sixteen.
36 & 37 Vict. c. 87.The Endowed Schools Act, 1873.Section ten; section thirteen to the word “apply”; section sixteen.
37 & 38 Vict. c. 87.The Endowed Schools Act, 1874.The whole Act, so far as not otherwise repealed.
45 & 46 Vict. c. 65.The Prison Charities Act, 1882.The whole Act.
50 & 51 Vict c. 49.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1887.The whole Act.
51 & 52 Vict. c. 41.The Local Government Act, 1888.In section three, in paragraph (xv), the words “the registration of charitable gifts under the Charitable Donations Registration Act, 1812 ”.
52 & 53 Vict. c. 47.The Palatine Court of Durham Act, 1889.Section nine.
53 & 54 Vict. c. 19.The Trustees Appointment Act, 1890.The whole Act.
54 & 55 Vict. c. 17.The Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act, 1891.The whole Act.
55 & 56 Vict. c. 15.The Charity Inquiries (Expenses) Act, 1892.The whole Act.
56 & 57 Vict c. 73.The Local Government Act, 1894.Section fourteen; paragraph (5) of section nineteen, so far as unrepealed; subsection (4) of section fifty-two.
57 & 58 Vict c. 35.The Charitable Trusts (Places of Religious Worship) Amendment Act, 1894.The whole Act.
57 & 58 Vict. c. 46.The Copyhold Act, 1894.Section seventy-six; in section seventy-seven, the words from “within ” to “1855 ”.
59 & 60 Vict. c. 35.The Judicial Trustees Act, 1896.In section six, subsection (2) from “whether ” onwards.
8 Edw. 7. c. 36The Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1908.Subsection (2) of section thirty-three.
4 & 5 Geo. 5. c. 56.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1914.The whole Act.
8 & 9 Geo. 5. c. 39.The Education Act, 1918.Section forty-five.
9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 65.The Welsh Church (Temporalities) Act, 1919.Subsection (1) of section seven, from “except” onwards.
15 & 16 Geo. 5. c. 18.The Settled Land Act, 1925.In section twenty-nine, in subsection (2), the words “the official trustee of charity lands or any other” and the words “official trustee or other”, and in subsection (5) the words “including the official trustee of Charity lands ”.
15 & 16 Geo. 5. c. 27.The Charitable Trusts Act, 1925.The whole Act.
18 & 19 Geo. 5. c. 26.The Administration of Justice Act, 1928.In section fifteen, in subsection (1), the words “subject to the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners or of the Board of Education ”.
25 & 26 Geo. 5. c. 11.The Regimental Charitable Funds Act, 1935.Subsection (3) of section two.
1 & 2 Geo. 6. c. 63.The Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1938.In section fifteen, paragraph (a) of subsection (4).
2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. 26.The Charities (Fuel Allotments) Act, 1939.The whole Act.
10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 44.The Crown Proceedings Act, 1947.In section twenty-three, in subsection (3), paragraph (d) and the word “educational” in paragraph (e).
11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 40.The Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1948.Section one.
14 & 15 Geo. 6. c. 39.The Common Informers Act, 1951.In the Schedule, the reference to the Leases by Corporations Act, 1541.
4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. 46.The Administration of Justice Act, 1956.In section fifty-two, in subsection (1), the words “subject to the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners or of the Minister of Education ”.
5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. 20.The House of Commons Disqualification Act, 1957.In Part III of the First Schedule, the entry beginning “Charity Commissioner ”.
5 & 6 Eliz. 2. c. 42.The Parish Councils Act, 1957.Section eleven.
7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. 22.The County Courts Act, 1959.In section two hundred and five, paragraph (a) of subsection (5).

B. Church Assembly Measures

Session and NumberShort TitleExtent of Repeal
10 & 11 Geo. 6. No. 2.The Church Commissioners Measure, 1947.Subsection (3) of section eight.
6 & 7 Eliz. 2. No. 1.The Church Funds Investment Measure, 1958.Subsection (2) of section five, from “except” onwards.

C. Orders in Council

Year and NumberShort TitleExtent of Repeal
S.R. & O. 1900 No. 600.The Board of Education (Powers) Order in Council, 1900.The whole Order.
S.R. & O. 1901 No. 587.The Board of Education (Powers) Order in Council, 1901.The whole Order.
S.R. & O. 1902 No. 647.The Board of Education (Powers) Order in Council, 1902.The whole Order.
S.R. & O. 1927 No. 55.The Overseers Order, 1927.Articles 9 to 11; in Article 12, in paragraph (5), the words “the Board of Education or the Charity Commissioners ”.
S.I. 1949 No. 1845.The Minister of Education (Transfer of Functions) Order, 1949.The whole Order.
S.I. 1950 No. 520.The Minister of Education (Transfer of Functions) (Removal of Doubt) Order, 1950.The whole Order.