PART XIAdministration

151Appointed factory doctors


Subject to any general directions of the Minister, the chief inspector or, in cases where the Minister so directs, a superintending inspector for a division, may appoint a sufficient number of fully registered medical practitioners to be appointed factory doctors for any of the purposes of this Act, and may revoke any such appointment.


Every appointment and revocation of appointment of an appointed factory doctor may be annulled by the Minister upon appeal to him for that purpose.


A medical practitioner who is the occupier of a factory, or is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in any process or business carried on therein, or in a patent connected therewith, shall not act as appointed factory doctor for that factory; but nothing in this subsection shall, except in such cases and for such purposes as may be prescribed, prevent a medical practitioner appointed to act as appointed factory doctor for any factory from so acting by reason only of the fact that he is employed by the occupier of the factory in connection with the medical supervision of persons employed in the factory.


The appointed factory doctor for any factory shall have power at all reasonable times to inspect the general register of that factory.


The Minister may make rules regulating the duties of appointed factory doctors.


An appointed factory doctor shall, if so directed by the Minister, make such special inquiry and examination of employed persons as may be directed.


Every appointed factory doctor shall each year make at the prescribed time a report in the prescribed form to the Minister as to examinations made and other duties performed by him in pursuance of this Act.


If and so long as there is no appointed factory doctor for a factory, the medical officer of health for the administrative county or county borough in which the factory is situate or such other medical officer of the council of that county or county borough as he may designate for the purpose, shall act as the appointed factory doctor for that factory.


In the application of this section to Scotland, for the references in subsection (8) to an administrative county or county borough there shall be substituted respectively references to a county and a large burgh; and for the purposes of that subsection a small burgh shall be included within the county in which it is situate.