
15Amendment of law with respect to common grazings

(1)A person may be appointed in pursuance of section twenty-four of the Act of 1955 to be a member of a common grazings committee notwithstanding that he is not a crofter.

(2)The duty imposed on a grazings committee by subsection (2) of section twenty-six of the Act of 1955 to make provision in common grazings regulations for the recovery from certain crofters of the expenses incurred by the committee in the discharge of certain of their functions under that Act shall include a duty to provide in such regulations that the committee may from time to time levy on, and recover from, the crofters referred to in paragraph (a) or, as the case may be, paragraph (b) of the said subsection, in such proportions as may be specified in the regulations, such sums as will in the opinion of the committee be necessary to enable the committee to meet any expenses which they may incur in the discharge of the functions mentioned respectively in the said paragraphs (a) and (b).

(3)Common grazings regulations may—

(a)restrict the use of any part of the common grazings on which works of improvement have been carried out to crofters who contribute towards the expenses incurred by the common grazings committee in carrying out those works;

(b)where the use of any part of the common grazings is restricted as aforesaid, regulate the number and kinds of stock which each contributing crofter may put on that part and the number and kinds of stock which each crofter (whether or not he is a contributing crofter) may put on the remainder of the common grazings.

(4)Subsection (3) of section twenty-seven of the Act of 1955 (which empowers the Commission to apportion a common grazing shared by two or more townships into separate parts for the exclusive use of the several townships) shall have effect as if at the end thereof there were added the words " or may apportion a part of such grazing for the exclusive use of one of the townships. "

(5)Where the Commission in pursuance of subsection (3) or (4) of section twenty-seven of the Act of 1955 apportion to a township or to an individual a part of a common grazing for its or his exclusive use, they may make the apportionment subject to such conditions, including conditions with respect to the fencing or the draining of the apportioned part, as they may think fit.

(6)For the purposes of the provisions of the Act of 1955 and of this Act relating to common grazings references in either of the said Acts to a crofter shall include references to any person who, not being a crofter, is entitled to share in a common grazing along with crofters.