Crofters (Scotland) Act 1961

3Commission to maintain Register of Crofts

(1)It shall be the duty of the Commission to compile and maintain a register of crofts (in this Act referred to as " the Register of Crofts ").

(2)There shall be entered in the Register of Crofts—

(a)the name, location, rent and extent of every croft;

(b)the name of the tenant and of the landlord of each croft; and

(c)such other matters relating to each croft as the Commission may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, decide are proper to be entered in the Register ;

and the Commission shall from time to time insert new entries in the Register or alter or omit existing entries so far as may be necessary to ensure the accuracy of the Register and shall send a copy of any new entry inserted by them after the commencement of this Act, or of any entry altered by them after such commencement, to the landlord and the tenant of the croft concerned, and shall intimate the omission of any entry to the owner and the tenant (if any) of the land concerned.

(3)The Commission shall, on a request for an extract of any entry in the Register of Crofts being made to them by a person who, in their opinion, has good reason for desiring an extract of the said entry, furnish that person with such extract certified by the person for the time being acting as secretary to the Commission ; and a document purporting to be an extract of an entry in the Register and to be certified as aforesaid shall be sufficient evidence that the Register contains such an entry.

(4)Subsections (2) to (4) of section fifteen of the Act of 1955 (which relate to the compilation by the Commission of a register of crofts) shall cease to have effect, but the register of crofts compiled by the Commission under the said subsection (2) shall, so far as it contains particulars which are required by or under subsection (2) of this section to be entered in the Register of Crofts, be deemed to have been compiled by the Commission in pursuance of subsection (1) of this section.