Crofters (Scotland) Act 1961

6Assessment of compensation for improvements

(1)The amount of any compensation payable under subsection (1) of section fourteen of the Act of 1955 to a crofter who renounces his tenancy or is removed from his croft after the commencement of this Act in respect of a permanent improvement on his croft shall be a sum equal to—

(a)the value of that improvement as at the date when the crofter renounced his tenancy or was removed from the croft, as the case may be, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the next following subsection, less

(b)the value of any assistance or consideration which may be proved to have been given by the landlord of the croft or any of his predecessors in title in respect of the improvement.

(2)For the purposes of the foregoing subsection, the value of an improvement on any croft shall be taken to be the amount, if any, which, having regard to the location of the croft and any other circumstances which might affect the demand for the tenancy thereof, the landlord might reasonably be expected to receive in respect of the improvement from a person who might reasonably be expected to obtain the tenancy of the croft if the croft were offered on the open market for letting as a separate croft with entry on the date referred to in paragraph (a) of the foregoing subsection.

(3)Where compensation falls to be assessed under the two. foregoing subsections in respect of any permanent improvement on a croft and the amount of such compensation is fixed or assessed by the Land Court under subsection (8) of section fourteen of the Act of 1955 or paragraph (a) of subsection (9) of section nineteen of that Act or paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section nine of this Act, then if the crofter is qualified as mentioned in the next following subsection he may request the Land Court to determine the amount which would have been payable by way of compensation in respect of that improvement if this Act had not been passed, and if the amount last mentioned is greater than the amount fixed or assessed by the Land Court as aforesaid, the difference between the two said amounts shall be payable to the crofter by the Secretary of State :

Provided that—

(a)the Secretary of State shall be entitled to set off any amount due to him by the crofter in respect of a loan made under subsection (2) or (3) of section twenty-two of the Act of 1955 or subsection (7) of section seven or section nine of the Act of 1911 against any sum payable to the crofter by the Secretary of State under this subsection ; and

(b)this subsection shall not apply where compensation in respect of the improvement in question has on a previous occasion fallen to be assessed under the two foregoing subsections.

(4)The reference in the last foregoing subsection to a crofter who is qualified is a reference to a crofter—

(a)whose tenancy of the croft in question began before the commencement of this Act, or

(b)who holds the tenancy of such croft as statutory successor to his immediate predecessor in the tenancy and each of whose predecessors (being in each case a person whose tenancy of the croft began after the commencement of this Act) held such tenancy as statutory successor to his immediate predecessor.

(5)The Act of 1955 shall have effect subject to the amendments specified in Part I of the First Schedule to this Act, being amendments consequential on the foregoing provisions of this section.

(6)Subsections (4) and (5) of section fourteen of the Act of 1955 (which relate to the assessment of compensation for improvements) shall cease to have effect, except in relation to the assessment of compensation in respect of permanent improvements which has become payable by reason of the termination of the tenancy of a croft occurring before the commencement of this Act, or the renunciation of his tenancy by a cottar, or the removal of a cottar from his subject, before such commencement.