
PART VIMiscellaneous

76Byelaws as to seaside pleasure boats

(1)For the prevention of danger, obstruction or annoyance to persons bathing in the sea or using the seashore, a local authority may make byelaws—

(a)regulating the speed of pleasure boats;

(b)regulating the use of pleasure boats so as to prevent their navigation in a dangerous manner or without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons;

(c)requiring the use of effectual silencers on pleasure boats propelled by internal combustion engines.

(2)The Secretary of State shall be the confirming authority as respects byelaws made under this section.

(3)Any byelaw may be made under this section so as to have effect not only within the district of the local authority but also within a distance seaward from that district not exceeding one thousand yards from low-water mark of ordinary spring tides; and any offence against any such byelaw committed within that distance may be inquired into and dealt with as if it had been committed within the district of the local authority.

(4)Any byelaw made under this section shall be of no effect if and in so far as it is inconsistent with any byelaw made by any dock undertakers or by any person authorised by any enactment or statutory order to construct or operate a pier.