IVPreviously to Transfer, Parties to produce Certificates of Age of Nominees.

And be it further enacted, That before any such Bank Annuities be permitted to be transferred to; the said Commissioners for-the Reduction of the National Debt, for the Purchase of any Life Annuity under the Provisions of this Act, a Declaration in the Form specified in, the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (A.) (hall be signed by the Person or One fl the Persons desirous of purchasing such Annuity, or by some Person on his, her, or their Behalf, and be delivered to the Officer to be appointed for that Purpose by the said Commissioners; and in case the Nominee or Nominees on whose Life or Lives such Annuity is intended to be purchased, shall have been born in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, there shall also be produced to the said Officer a true Copy of the Register of the Birth or Baptism of such Nominee (or of each of such Nominees in case there shall be Two) and also a Certificate of the same under the Hand of the Minister of the Parish or Place where such Register shall be kept, or in the Absence of the Minister then a Certificate (wherein such Absence shall be specified) under the Hands of the Churchwardens and Overseers of such Parish or Place, or any Two of them, to be attested in both Cafes by Two or more credible Witnesses, certifying that such Copy of the Register is a true Copy ; to which Certificate shall also be annexed an Affidavit of the said Witnesses who attested the Execution thereof, or One of them, or their, his, or her solemn Affirmation (in case they or either of them shall be of the Persuasion called Quakers) to be made before any Justice of the Peace or Magistrate of the County, City, Riding, Town, or Place wherein the Place of the Birth or: Baptism of any such Nominee shall be situate, if in England or Scotland, or if in Ireland, then before One of the Barons of the Exchequer there, that such Witness or Witnesses did examine and compare the laid Copy of the Register of Birth or Baptism with the Register thereof, and did fee such Minister, or Churchwarden; and Overseers (as the Case may be) sign the said Certificate,; and that the Names of such Witnesses are. of their own proper Hand, Writing; and to the said Certificate shall also be annexed an Affidavit or solemn Affirmation made by the Purchaser of the said Annuity (or by One of, the Purchasers in case there shall be Two or more) or by some Person on his, her, or men Behalf, before any Justice of the Peace or Magistrate, if in England, of Scotland, or if in Ireland then before any One of the Barons of the Exchequer there, that the Person named and described in the Copy or Certificate of the Register of Birth or Baptism produced to the said Officer, is the same Person who is appointed to be such Nominee : fro vided always, that in all Cafes where the Copy or Certificate so produced, shall purport to be a Copy or Certificate of the Register of the Baptism only, and not of the Birth, of the Nominee, the Age of such Nominee shall for the Purposes of this Act, be calculated from the Date of such Baptism and the Amount of the Annuity to be purchased on his or her Life shall be estimated and ascertained in like Manner, in all Respects, as is such Nominee had been born on the Day expressed in the said Copy or Certificate to be the Day of his or her Baptism.