XIIISurveyor General empowered to contract for the Enfranchifement of Copyholds, and Safe of Manerial Rights be longing to Manors of the Crown.

And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Surveyor General for the Time being, to contrail and agree with any Person or Persons, or Body or Bodies Politic or Corporate, being Tenant or Tenants; of any Copyhold or Customary Tenements, Parcel of or holden of any Manor belonging to the Crown, within the Survey or Receipt of the Exchequer in England, for the Enfranchifement of any such Copyhold Tenements, of with any Person or Persons (though not such Tenants of any such Copy-, hold Tenements) for the Sale of the Manerial Rights belonging to the Crown therein, at or for the best Prices or Confederations in Money which the said Surveyor General shall or may be able to procure for the same, and which shall be approved of by the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being, and the Tenements so agreed to be enfranchised, or upon which the Manerial Rights shall have been so contracted for, and the Consideration to be paid for the same, shall be specified in a Certificate to be granted for that Purpose, and the Consideration Monies so to be paid shall be accepted, and Receipt given for the same, and the said Certificate and Receipt shall be enrolled, and the Enrolment thereof, shall be attested in the same Form and Manner, and under the same Rules, Regulations, arid Provisions reflectively (except where if is otherwise provided by this Act as are contained in the said recited Act of the Thirty-fourth Year of His present Majesty, with relation to the Conveyance of Fee Farm Rents to the Purchasers thereof under that Act; and such Certificate: and Receipt shall also, in the Court Rolls of the Manor under which; the Tenement to: which the same relates is holden, be enrolled by the Steward of such Manor or his lawful Deputy, who is hereby required forthwith to enrol such Certificate and Receipt upon the Production thereof to him, and having enrolled the said Certificate and Receipt as aforesaid shall attest the same under his Hand, and return the said Certificate and Receipt to the Purchaser or Purchasers; and from and immediately after such Enrolments, and thenceforth for ever, the respective Copyhold Tenements included in any such Certificate, relating to the Enfranchifement thereof, shall be enfranchised, and the Tenants thereof respectively shall hold the same freed and discharged of and from all Claims and Demands which can or may be made by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or by any Person or Persons lawfully claiming by, from, or under them, as Lords of the Manor to which such Tenements before the Enfranchifement thereof belonged, and as fully and amply to all Intents and Purposes as His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, might or could have held or enjoyed the same; and from-and immediately after such Enrolments and thenceforth for ever, the respective Purchasers of any Manerial Rights mentioned in any such Certificate, relating to the Purchase thereof, and their Heirs and Assigns, shall by force of this Act be adjudged, deemed, and taken to be in the actual Seisin and Possession of the Manerial Rights so by them respectively purchased and shall hold and enjoy the same peaceably and" quietly, freed and discharged from all Claims and Demands of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, or any Person claiming under him or them, as folly and amply to all Intents and Purposes as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, might or could have held or enjoyed the same if such Sale had not taken place.