
VIMoney shall be, Issued out of the Treasury of Ireland on the Warrant of the Lord Lieutenant, countersigned by the Vice Treasurer. Authority for such Payments.

And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, no Money shall be issued out of the Receipt of the Exchequer of Ireland, otherwise than by the Vice Treasurer for Ireland, under the Authority of the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, in Manner hereinafter mentioned; and that the said Vice Treasurer shall not issue, nor cause to be issued, out of the said Receipt of the Exchequer of Ireland, any Sum or Sums of Money whatsoever (except as herein-after mentioned) until such Vice Treasurer shall have received a Warrant, under the Hand of such Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors, directed to the said Vice Treasurer for that Purpose; and that the said Vice Treasurer shall countersign all such Warrants of such Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland and that after such Counter Signature upon such Warrant, such Warrant shall be entered and marked by any Officer or Person thereto authorized by the said Vice Treasurer, and whereof Notice shall be given by the said Vice Treasurer to the Auditor General of the said Exchequer; and such Warrant, for being duly entered and marked, shall be a sufficient Authority to the said Auditor General of His Majesty's Exchequer of Ireland, for the Issue by the said Auditor General of his Order for Payment on the Teller of the said Exchequer : Provided always, that there shall be a sufficient Authority for all such Payments under some Grant from His Majesty, or some of His Royal Predecessors, or under some Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, and not otherwise; and that all such Payments shall not exceed the Amount authorized under the respective Acts by virtue of which such Issues shall be made, or the annual Grants of Parliament, as the same shall be specified in the Appropriation Acts of each Session.