XXIVVice Treasurer shall be deemed a Governor of all Corporations, and authorizing him to frank and receive Letters free.
And whereas the Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland for the Time being is by virtue of his Office a Governor, Visitor, Member, or Constituent Part of several Colleges, Corporations, and Charitable and other Public Societies or Institutions in Ireland; be it enacted, That from and after the palling of this Act, the Vice Treasurer of Ireland shall, in virtue of his Office, be and become a Governor, Visitor, Member, and Constituent Part of all such Colleges, Corporations, and Charitable and other Public Societies and Institutions in Ireland, of which - the Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland hath at any Time heretofore been a Governor, Visitor, Member, or Constituent Part, in Right of his Office under any Act of Parliament, Charter, Bye Law, Usage, or Custom whatsoever, in force in Ireland immediately before the passing of this Act; and it shall be lawful for the said Vice Treasurer for the Time being to fend and receive Letters and Packets by the Port, free from the Duties of Postage within the United Kingdom, in the same Manner arid under such Restrictions as the Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer in Ireland has been authorized by the Laws now in force to fend and receive Letters and jackets free from Postage.