
XXVITreasury and Revenue Accounts, &c. in Ireland, and all Accounts to Parliament, shall state the Amount of the Sums therein in British Currency.

And whereas it is expedient by producing Uniformity in all Returns and Statements to Parliament, with respect to the Public Revenues and Expenditure of the United Kingdom, that the Amount of such Revenues and Expenditure shall be made to appear in British Currency, in whatever Part of the United Kingdom such Revenues or Expenditure shall have arisen or taken place; be it therefore enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, all Accounts of all Receipts and Payments which shall be made out of any of the Public Revenues, Duties or Taxes in Ireland, and also all Accounts of all Payments into and Issues out of the Receipt of the Exchequer in Ireland, shall be kept in such Form and Manner, that the total Amount of all Sums under each respective Head of Account, in all Accounts and Papers relating to Accounts to be laid before Parliament, shall be stated in British Currency; and that it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Treasurer of Ireland for the Time being, at any Time after the passing of this Act, and for the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at any Time after the said Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, to give such Orders and Directions as to them shall seem fitting and expedient for accomplishing the Purposes hereby intended to be carried into Effect.