XXVIIICommissioners shall notify the Nature and Form of the Documents to be produced for obtaining such Quietus.
And, in order that all Public Accountants shall be fully apprised of and prepared with the necessary Documents or Proofs to entitle them to demand and receive such Acquittal, Discharge, or Quietus from the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, or the said Commissioners of Military Accounts respectively; be it enacted, That the said Commissioners shall respectively, as soon after the palling of this Act as may be, determine upon the Nature and Form of the Documents arid Proofs required to be produced to them respectively for the Purposes aforesaid ; and that the said Commissioners shall, by public Advertisement under their Hands, to be inserted in the Dublin Gazette, in Three succeeding Publications thereof, and in any other Manner which they shall think fit; notify and declare the Nature and Form of such Documents and Proofs to all Public Accountants under their respective Departments; and it shall not be lawful for the said Commissioners to alter or change the Nature or Form of any such Documents or Proofs so required, until the Expiration of 'three Calendar Months after the Nature and Form of such new Documents and Proofs shall have been notified and declared by public Advertisement in the Dublin Gazette, and otherwise in Manner aforesaid.