Public Offices (Scotland) Act 1817

VIIIProvision in case the Office of Lord Register shall become vacant before that of Keeper of the Signet.

And be it further enacted, That if the present existing Interests in the said Office of Lord Register shall terminate, or the said Office shall become vacant before the existing Interests in the said Office of Keeper of the Signet shall terminate, or before the said last-mentioned Office shall become vacant, then the Duties and Establishment of the said Office of Lord Register shall be regulated in the Manner directed by this Act; and the Fees at present payable for or in respect of the said Office of Lord Register, or received therein, after paying and defraying the Salaries and Allowances of such Person or Persons as shall be appointed by the said Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, for the Purpose of transacting the Business of the said Office of Lord Register, shall be paid and applied towards Payment of the Salary by this Act allowed to be granted to the Lord Register; and if any Balance of such Fees shall remain after being so applied, the same shall, at least Once in Three Months, be paid to the Receiver General of Scotland, and shall be paid and accounted for by him in the same Manner with other Public Monies received and accounted for by him.