XICertain other Offices regulated.

And be it further enacted, That from and after and upon the Termination reflectively of the present existing Interests in the under-mentioned Offices, videlicet, the Office of Auditor of the Exchequer in Scotland, the Office of King's Remembrancer in Exchequer in Scotland, the Office of Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in Exchequer in Scotland, the Office of Presenter of Signatures in Exchequer in Scotland, the Office of Keeper of the General Register of Seisins in Scotland, the Office of Clerk to the Admission of Notaries in Scotland, the Office of Director of the Chancery in Scotland, the Office of Clerk of the Chancery in Scotland, and the Office of Clerk of the Court of Admiralty in Scotland; and so soon as the said Offices or any or either of them reflectively shall become vacant, the Duties thereof shall be discharged by the Officer appointed to hold the same in Person; and from Time to Time as any of the said respective Offices shall become vacant, it shall be lawful for the said Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized and required, to regulate the Duties and Establishments of the said Offices reflectively as they reflectively become vacant, so as that the several Duties to be discharged therein reflectively shall be performed in Person; and thereupon and thereafter such and such Number of fit and proper Persons shall be appointed, or shall be authorized and directed to be appointed, as may be sufficient and necessary to perform and execute the Duties to be done, performed, and executed in the said Offices reflectively, as the said Commissioners shall deem fit, with such Salaries or Allowances as shall be ordered and appointed by the said Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury in that Behalf, regard being had in every such Cafe to the Nature and Extent of the Duties to be performed, and to the Responsibility which may-attach or belong to the several and respective Offices or Persons executing-'the Duties of the said Offices reflectively; and all such Regulations, Appointments, Salaries, and Allowances when so made and established shall become and be in full Force and Effect in relation to the said Offices reflectively, any Thing contained in any Act or Acts of Parliament, or any Law or Laws, or usage, Custom, or Practice to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, that any Fees at present charged or chargeable for or in respect of any of the said Offices, or received or receivable according to Law in any of the said Offices respectively, shall continue to be received; and the same shall be applied in Payment of the Salary or Salaries, Allowance or Allowances, authorized by this Act to be granted or made in each of the said Offices in which such Fees shall be received ; and if any Balance of such Fees shall remain after paying and satisfying such Salaries or .Allowances reflectively, the same shall be paid at least Once in Three Months to the Receiver General of Scotland, and shall by him be paid and accounted for in the same Manner with any Public Monies received and accounted for by him.