III Persons depositing money to have the sole benefit thereof; except as to allowance for salaries, &c.U.K.

The persons depositing money with any institution taking the benefit of this Act, or their heirs, executors or other persons entitled thereto under the provisions of this Act, shall have the sole benefit of such deposits and the produce thereof, in the manner provided by the said rules, orders and regulations; save only and except such salaries and allowances, or other necessary expences, as shall, according to such rules, orders and regulations, be specified for conducting such institution, and for remuneration to clerks and servants employed in the management thereof, exclusive of the trustee or trustees and other persons having control and direction in the management of such institution, who shall not directly or indirectly have any salary, allowance, profit or benefit whatsoever therefrom, on account of such control and direction, beyond the actual expences for the purposes of such institution.