11 Receiver’s accounts to be audited. C1

The receiver shall account for the due application of all monies so to be drawn by him out of the Bank of England, and shall, once in every six months, and oftener if required by one of his Majesty’s principal secretaries of state, make out and sign a full and particular account of all monies which shall have been received by him under this Act, and how much thereof hath been paid by him, and for what purposes together with proper vouchers for the receipts and payments; and such account shall be delivered, for the purpose of being examined and audited, either to the commissioners for auditing the public accounts of this kingdom, or to any other person or persons whom such principal secretary of state may from time to time direct; and the receiver, if directed to account before the said commissioners, shall be subject to the same regulations and penalties in that respect as any public accountant.