XIICommissioners may direct that Fees for Marriages, and Burials, in case of Division into District Parishes, shall continue to belong to the Incumbent of original Church of the Parish.

And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, in every Case in which any Parish or Place shall be divided, under the Provisions of the said recited Acts, into District Parishes or Places for Ecclesiastical Purposes, with distinct District Churches for each of such Divisions, to order and direct, with the Consent of the Bishop of the Diocese, that all or any Proportion of the Fees, Dues, and Emoluments arising and accruing from the Publication of Banns and Celebration of Marriages, and from Church-Mgs and Burials, and the making, opening, or using any Catacombs; Vaults; or Ground for Burials, in all or any the several Districts and Divisions of such Parish or extra-parochial Place, shall remain with and continue to belong to, and to be received by or for and on account of, and to the Use of, and to be accounted for wholly or in part, as the Case may require, to the Incumbent of the Original Church or Chapel, any thing in the said recited Acts or either of ; them or in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and every such Order shall be registered in the Registry of the Diocese and a Duplicate Copy thereof deposited and kept in the respective Chests of the Churches and Chapels respectively of such Parish or Place : Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the Commissioners, with such Consent as aforesaid, at any Time within Five Years after the making of any such original Order or Direction, to annul or in any Manner to alter any such Order or Direction, or the Appropriation made thereby; and such new Order or Direction, or Alteration, when made, shall be registered in manner aforesaid.