
XXXVThis Act not to affect the Powers of Acts relating to any particular Parish.

Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to repeal or alter, vary or affect, any Powers, Authorities, Clauses, or Provisions contained in any Act or Acts of Parliament passed in the last Session of Parliament, or which may be passed in this present Session of Parliament, relating to any particular Parish or Place, or to authorize or empower the Commissioners under the said recited Acts or this Act, to make or enforce any Order, Direction, or Regulation under the Provisions of the said recited Acts or this Act, so as to alter or affect any such Powers or Authorities as aforesaid, or otherwise, contrary to any Clause or Provision contained in any such Act or Acts of Parliament relating to any particular Parish or Place; and that all the Powers, Authorities, Clauses, Regulations, and Provisions in such local Acts contained, shall remain in full Force, and be used, enforced, and applied in the same Manner and by the same Persons, as if this Act had not passed; any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.