Marriages Confirmation Act 1825

3 Registers of such marriages evidence.U.K.

The registers of marriages solemnized, or to be solemnized, in the said churches or chapels, which are hereby enacted to be valid in law, or copies thereof, shall be received in all courts of law and equity as evidence of such marriages, in the same manner as the registers of marriages solemnized in parish churches or public chapels in which banns were usually published before or at the time of passing the said Act of the twenty-sixth year of the reign of his said late Majesty King George the Second, or copies thereof, are received in evidence: Provided nevertheless, that in all such courts the same objections shall be available to the receiving such registers or copies as evidence, as would have been available to receiving the same as evidence if such registers or copies had related to marriages solemnized in such last mentioned parish churches or public chapels as aforesaid.