Chelsea and Kilmainham Hospitals Act 1826

XXXVIIPenalty on Secretary or other Persons sending under free Covers any Writing, &c. not relating to the Hospital.

And be it further enacted, That if such Secretary of the said Hospital at Chelsea, or any other Person, shall send or convey, under any of the Covers aforesaid, any Writing, Paper, or Parcel, other than those relating to the Business or Affairs of the said Hospital at Chelsea, the Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of One hundred Pounds, to be recovered, with full Costs of Suit, by any Person, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, of Ill-formation, in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, wherein no Essoign, Privilege, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance, shall be allowed ; One Moiety of which Penalty shall go to the Person who shall sue for the same, and the other Moiety thereof to and for the Use of His said Majesty.