Government of Ireland Act 1920

PART IIConstituencies in Northern Ireland


Constituency.Number of Members for Parliament of Northern Ireland.Number of Members for Parliament of United Kingdom.
East Belfast, consisting of the Pottinger and the Victoria Divisions.41
North Belfast, consisting of the Duncairn and the Shankill Divisions.41
South Belfast, consisting of the Cromac and the Ormeau Divisions.41
West Belfast, consisting of the Falls, St. Anne's and the Woodvale Divisions.41
Total (Boroughs)164


Constituency.Number of Members for Parliament of Northern Ireland.Number of Members for Parliament of United Kingdom.
Fermanagh }82
Tyrone }
Londonderry (including the Borough of Londonderry).51
Total (Counties)328


Constituency.Number of Members for Parliament of Northern Ireland.Number of Members for Parliament of United Kingdom.
Queen's University of Belfast41
Total (University)41
Number of Members for Parliament of Northern Ireland.Number of Members for Parliament of United Kingdom.
Total of Members :
Borough members164
County members328'
University members41
Total members5213