2(a)The term of office of every elected member of the Senate of Northern Ireland shall be eight years, provided that one half of such members shall retire at the end of every fourth year, the members to retire .at the end of the first four years being selected by lot.
(b)With respect to the members of the Senate of Southern Ireland, the term of office of every nominated senator, and of every elected senator (other than senators elected by, members of county councils) shall be ten years, and the term of office of a senator elected by members of county councils shall be three years. Provided that, where a particular qualification is required under Part III. of the Second Schedule for a senator to be elected by any of the classes of electors specified in that part of the said schedule, such a senator shall cease to hold office on ceasing to have that qualification. The disqualification of persons in Holy Orders shall not apply in respect of any Archbishop or Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church or Church of Ireland elected as a senator of the appropriate class.
(c)The term of office of a senator shall not be affected by a dissolution of the Parliament of Southern. Ireland or Northern Ireland.
(d)Senators shall retire at the end of their term of office and their seats shall be filled by new elections.