54Provisions as to existing judges and existing officers having salaries charged on the Consolidated Fund, or removable only for misconduct or incapacity
All existing county' court judges, and all existing Irish officers serving in an established capacity in the civil service of the Crown and receiving salaries charged on the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, shall, if at the date of. the passing of this Act they are removable only on address from both Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom, continue to be removable only upon such an address, and if removable in any other manner shall continue to be removable only in the same manner as before that date; and shall continue to receive the same salaries, gratuities, and pensions, and to enjoy the same rights and privileges and to be liable to perform the same duties as before that date or such duties as His Majesty may declare to be analogous, and their salaries and pensions shall be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom or the growing produce thereof, and all sums so paid shall be made good by means of deductions from the Irish residuary share of reserved taxes under this Act in accordance with regulations made by the Treasury.
If any of the said judges or officers retire from office with His Majesty's approbation before completion of the period of service entitling him to a pension, His Majesty may, if he thinks fit, after considering any representation that may be made by the Government of Southern Ireland or Northern Ireland, grant to him such pension, not exceeding the pension to which he would on that completion have been entitled, as His Majesty thinks proper.
Subsection (1) of this section shall apply to existing Irish officers in the civil service of the Crown, who, although receiving salaries not charged on the Consolidated Fund, are removable only for misconduct or incapacity, including clerks of the crown and peace and (after the date of Irish union) officers removable under section seventy-three of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Ireland), 1877: Provided that, in the case of any such officer whose salary is payable otherwise than out of money provided by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the provisions of that subsection with respect to the payment of salaries arid pensions out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom shall not have effect, and in the case of any such officer whose salary is payable out of money provided by the Parliament of the United Kingdom those provisions shall have effect with the substitution of payment out of money so provided for charge on and payment out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom.
Subsection (2) of this section shall apply to any officer to whom subsection (3) of this section applies, with the substitution of a reference to a period of forty years' service for the reference to the period of service entitling to a pension.