PART IIIAmendments of the Conveyancing Acts.

93Apportionment of charges payable for redemption of tithe rent charge.

(1)An order of apportionment of a charge on land may be made by the Minister under sections ten to fourteen (inclusive) of the [17 & 18 Vict. c. 97.] Inclosure Act, 1854, on the application of any person interested, according to the provisions of the Inclosure Acts, 1845 to 1882, in the land charged or any part thereof without the concurrence of any other person: Provided that the Minister may, in any such case, on the application of the person interested as aforesaid in the annuity, require as a condition of making the order that any apportioned part of the annuity which does not exceed the yearly sum of two pounds shall be redeemed forthwith.

(2)In section eleven of the Inclosure Act, 1854, the proviso to that section, and in section thirteen the words "so far as the same has been apportioned upon " the lands of persons interested and making application " as aforesaid " are hereby repealed.