Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923

1923 c.33

An Act to make further provision with respect to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and the Colleges therein.

Whereas the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty’s Warrant bearing date the fourteenth day of November, nineteen hundred and nineteen, to consider the applications which have been made by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge for financial assistance from the State, and for that purpose to enquire into the financial resources of the Universities and of the colleges and halls therein, into the administration and application of these resources, into the government of the Universities and into the relations of the colleges and halls to the Universities and to each other, have in their Report (in this Act referred to as “the Report of the Royal Commission”) made recommendations with respect to the matters aforesaid and in particular have recommended that Statutory Commissions should be set up to carry out the changes in University and College statutes consequent on the recommendations of the Commissioners and where necessary to revise trusts.