Settled Land Act 1925

PART IImprovements, the costs of which are not liable to be replaced by instalments.


Drainage, including the straightening, widening, or deepening of drains, streams, and watercourses:


Bridges :


Irrigation; warping :


Drains, pipes, and machinery for supply and distribution of sewage as manure :


Embanking or weiring from a river or lake, or from the sea, or a tidal water :


Groynes; sea walls; defences against water :


Inclosing; straightening of fences; re-division of fields :


Reclamation; dry warping :


Farm roads; private roads; roads or streets in villages or towns :


Clearing; trenching; planting :


Cottages for labourers, farm-servants, and artisans, employed on the settled land or not:


Farmhouses, offices, and outbuildings, and other buildings for farm purposes :


Saw-mills, scutch-mills, and other mills, water-wheels, engine-houses, and kilns, which will increase the value of the settled land for agricultural purposes or as woodland or otherwise :


Reservoirs, tanks, conduits, watercourses, pipes, wells, ponds, shafts, dams, weirs, sluices, and other works and machinery for supply and distribution of water for agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes, or for domestic or other consumption :


Tramways; railways; canals; docks :


Jetties, piers, and landing places on rivers, lakes, the sea, or tidal waters, for facilitating transport of persons and of agricultural stock and produce, and of manure and other things required for agricultural purposes, and of minerals, and of things required for mining purposes :


Markets and market-places:


Streets, roads, paths, squares, gardens, or other open spaces for the use, gratuitously or on payment, of the public or of individuals, or for dedication to the public, the same being necessary or proper in connexion with the conversion of land into building land :


Sewers, drains, watercourses, pipe-making, fencing, paving, brick-making, tile-making, and other works necessary or proper in connexion with any of the objects aforesaid :


Trial pits for mines, and other preliminary works necessary or proper in connexion with development of mines :


Reconstruction, enlargement, or improvement of any of those works:


The provision of small dwellings, either by means of building new buildings or by means of the reconstruction, enlargement, or improvement of existing buildings, if that provision of small dwellings is, in the opinion of the court, not injurious to the settled land or is agreed to by the tenant for life and the trustees of the settlement:


Additions to or alterations in buildings reasonably necessary or proper to enable the same to be let:


Erection of buildings in substitution for buildings within an urban sanitary district taken by a local or other public authority, or for buildings taken under compulsory powers, but so that no more money be expended than the amount received for the buildings taken and the site thereof :


The rebuilding of the principal mansion house on the settled land :

Provided that the sum to be applied under this head shall not exceed one-half of the annual rental of the settled land.