C1Part II Powers of a Tenant for Life


Miscellaneous Powers

57 Provision of land for small dwellings, small holdings and dwellings for working classes.


Where land is sold, or given in exchange or leased—


for the purpose of the erection on such land of small dwellings; or


to the council of a county or county borough for the purposes of small holdings;

the sale, exchange, or lease may, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, be made for such consideration in money, or land, or in land and money, or may reserve such rent, as having regard to the said purposes and to all the circumstances of the case, is the best that can reasonably be obtained, notwithstanding that a better consideration or rent might have been obtained if the land were sold, exchanged, or leased, for another purpose.


Notwithstanding anything contained in, and in addition to the other powers conferred by this Act, a tenant for life may at any time—


for the purpose of the erection of dwellings for the working classes, or the provision of gardens to be held therewith; or


for the purpose of the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, 1908 to 1919;

make a grant in fee simple or absolutely, or a lease for any term of years absolute of any part of the settled land, with or without any easement, right or privilege of any kind over or in relation to the settled land or any part thereof, for a nominal price or rent, or for less than the best price or rent that can reasonably be obtained or gratuitously:

Provided that, except under an order of the court, not more than two acres in the case of land situate in an urban district, or ten acres in the case of land situate in a rural district, in any one parish shall be granted or leased under the powers conferred by this subsection, unless the full consideration be paid or reserved in respect of the excess.


All money, not being rent, received on the exercise of any power conferred by this section shall be capital money arising under this Act.