
PART IGeneral Principles as to Legal Estates, Equitable Interests and Powers.

Dispositions on Trust for Sale.

23Duration of trusts for sale.

Where land has, either before or after the commencement of this Act, become subject to an express or implied trust for sale, such trust shall, so far as regards the safety and protection of any purchaser thereunder, be deemed to be subsisting until the land has been conveyed to or under the direction of the persons interested in the proceeds of sale.

This section applies to sales whether made before or after the commencement of this Act, but operates without prejudice to an order of any court restraining a sale.

24Appointment of trustees of dispositions on trust for sale.

(1)The persons having power to appoint new trustees of a conveyance of land on trust for sale shall be bound to appoint the same persons (if any) who are for the time being trustees of the settlement of the proceeds of sale, but a purchaser shall not be concerned to see whether the proper persons are appointed to be trustees of the conveyance of the land.

(2)This section applies whether the settlement of the proceeds of sale or the conveyance on trust for sale comes into operation before or after the commencement of this Act.

25Power to postpone sale.

(1)A power to postpone sale shall, in the case of every trust for sale of land, be implied unless a contrary intention appears.

(2)Where there is a power to postpone the sale, then (subject to any express direction to the contrary in the instrument, if any, creating the trust for sale) the trustees for sale shall not be liable in any way for postponing the sale, in the exercise of their discretion, for any indefinite period; nor shall a purchaser of a legal estate be concerned in any case with any directions respecting the postponement of a sale.

(3)The foregoing provisions of this section apply whether the trust for sale is created before or after the commencement or by virtue of this Act.

(4)Where a disposition or settlement coming into operation after the commencement of this Act contains a trust either to retain or sell land the same shall be construed as a trust to sell the land with power to postpone the sale.

26Consents to the execution of a trust for sale.

(1)If the consent of more than two persons is by the disposition made requisite to the execution of a trust for sale of land, then, in favour of a purchaser, the consent of any two of such persons to the execution of the trust or to the exercise of any statutory or other powers vested in the trustees for sale shall be deemed sufficient.

(2)Where the person whose consent to the execution of any such trust or power is expressed to be required in a disposition is not sui juris or becomes subject to disability, his consent shall not, in favour of a purchaser, be deemed to be requisite to the execution of the trust or the exercise of the power; but the trustees shall, in any such case, obtain the separate consent of the parent or testamentary or other guardian of an infant or of the committee or receiver (if any) of a lunatic or defective.

(3)The trustees for sale shall, so far as practicable, give effect to the wishes of the persons of full age for the time being beneficially interested in possession in the rents and profits of the land until sale, or, in case of dispute, of the majority (according to the value of their combined interests) of such persons, but a purchaser shall not be concerned to see that such wishes are complied with.

(4)This section applies whether the trust for sale is created before or after the commencement or by virtue of this Act.

27Purchaser not to be concerned with the trusts of the proceeds of sale which are to be paid to two or more trustees or to a trust corporation.

(1)A purchaser of a legal estate from trustees for sale shall not be concerned with the trusts affecting the proceeds of sale of land subject to a trust for sale (whether made to attach to such proceeds by virtue of this Act or otherwise), or affecting the rents and profits of the land until sale, whether or not those trusts are declared by the same instrument by which the trust for sale is created.

(2)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in a disposition on trust for sale of land or in the settlement of the net proceeds, the proceeds of sale or other capital money arising under the disposition shall not be paid to or applied by the direction of fewer than two persons as trustees of the disposition, except where the trustee is a trust corporation, but this subsection does not affect the right of a sole personal representative as such to give valid receipts for or direct the application of the proceeds of sale or other capital money aforesaid; nor, except where capital money arises on a transaction, render it necessary to have more than one trustee.

28Powers of management, &c. conferred on trustees for sale.

(1)Trustees for sale shall, in relation to land or to manorial incidents and to the proceeds of sale, have all the powers of a tenant for life and the trustees of a settlement under the Settled Land Act, 1925, including in relation to the land the powers of management conferred by that Act during a minority: and (subject to any express trust to the contrary) all capital money arising under the said powers shall, unless paid or applied for any purpose authorised by the Settled Land Act, 1925, be applicable in the same manner as if the money represented proceeds of sale arising under the trust for sale.

All land acquired under this subsection shall be conveyed to the trustees on trust for sale.

The powers conferred by this subsection shall be exercised with such consents (if any) as would have been required on a sale under the trust for sale, and when exercised shall operate to overreach any equitable interests or powers which are by virtue of this Act or otherwise made to attach to the net proceeds of sale as if created by a trust affecting those proceeds.

(2)Subject to any direction to the contrary in the disposition on trust for sale or in the settlement of the proceeds of sale, the net rents and profits of the land until sale, after keeping down costs of repairs and insurance and other outgoings shall be paid or applied, except so far as any part thereof may be liable to be set aside as capital money under the Settled Land Act, 1925, in like manner as the income of investments representing the purchase money would be payable or applicable if a sale had been made and the proceeds had been duly invested.

(3)Where the net proceeds of sale have under the trusts affecting the same become absolutely vested in persons of full age in undivided shares (whether or not such shares may be subject to a derivative trust) the trustees for sale may, with the consent of the persons, if any, of full age, not being annuitants, interested in possession in the net rents and profits of the land until sale:—

(a)partition the land remaining unsold or any part thereof; and

(b)provide (by way of mortgage or otherwise) for the payment of any equality money;

and, upon such partition being arranged, the trustees for sale shall give effect thereto by conveying the land so partitioned in severalty (subject or not to any legal mortgage created for raising equality money) to persons of full age and either absolutely or on trust for sale or, where any part of the land becomes settled land, by a vesting deed, or partly in one way and partly in another in accordance with the rights of the persons interested under the partition, but a purchaser shall not be concerned to see or inquire whether any such consent as aforesaid has been given:

Provided that—

(i)If a share in the net proceeds belongs to a lunatic or defective, the consent of his committee or receiver shall be sufficient to protect the trustees for sale :

(ii)If a share in the net proceeds is affected by an incumbrance the trustees for sale may either give effect thereto or provide for the discharge thereof by means of the property allotted in respect of such share, as they may consider expedient.

(4)If a share in the net proceeds is absolutely vested in an infant, the trustees for sale may act on his behalf and retain land (to be held on trust for sale) or other property to represent his share, but in other respects the foregoing power shall apply as if the infant had been of full age.

(5)This section applies to dispositions on trust for sale coming into operation either before or after the commencement or by virtue of this Act.

29Delegation of powers of management by trustees for sale.

(1)The powers of and incidental to leasing, accepting surrenders of leases and management, conferred on trustees for sale whether by this Act or otherwise, may, until sale of the land, be revocably delegated from time to time, by writing, signed by them, to any person of full age (not being merely an annuitant) for the time being beneficially entitled in possession to the net rents and profits of the land during his life or for any less period: and in favour of a lessee such writing shall, unless the contrary appears, be sufficient evidence that the person named therein is a person to whom the powers may be delegated, and the production of such writing shall, unless the contrary appears, be sufficient evidence that the delegation has not been revoked.

(2)Any power so delegated shall be exercised only in the names and on behalf of the trustees delegating the power.

(3)The persons delegating any power under this section shall not, in relation to the exercise or purported exercise of the power, be liable for the acts or defaults of the person to whom the power is delegated, but that person shall, in relation to the exercise of the power by him, be deemed to be in the position and to have the duties and liabilities of a trustee.

(4)Where, at the commencement of this Act, an order made under section seven of the [47 & 48 Vict. c. 18.] Settled Land Act, 1884, is in force, the person on whom any power is thereby conferred shall, while the order remains in force, exercise such power in the names and on behalf of the trustees for sale in like manner as if the power had been delegated to him under this section.

30Powers of court where trustees for sale refuse to exercise powers.

If the trustees for sale refuse to sell or to exercise any of the powers conferred by either of the last two sections, or any requisite consent cannot be obtained, any person interested may apply to the court for a vesting or other order for giving effect to the proposed transaction or for an order directing the trustees for sale to give effect thereto, and the court may make such order as it thinks fit.

31Trust for sale of mortgaged property where right of redemption is barred.

(1)Where any property, vested in trustees by way of security, becomes, by virtue of the statutes of limitation, or of an order for foreclosure or otherwise, discharged from the right of redemption, it shall be held by them on trust for sale.

(2)The net proceeds of sale, after payment of costs and expenses, shall be applied in like manner as the mortgage debt, if received, would have been applicable, and the income of the property until sale shall be applied in like manner as the interest, if received, would have been applicable; but this subsection operates without prejudice to any rule of law relating to the apportionment of Capital and income between tenant for life and remainderman.

(3)This section does not affect the right of any person to require that, instead of a sale, the property shall be conveyed to him or in accordance with his directions.

(4)Where the mortgage money is capital money for the purposes of the Settled Land Act, 1925, the trustees shall, if the tenant for life or statutory owner so requires, instead of selling any land forming the whole or part of such property, execute such subsidiary vesting deed with respect thereto as would have been required if the land had been acquired on a purchase, with capital money.

(5)This section applies whether the right of redemption was discharged before or after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twelve, but has effect without prejudice to any dealings or arrangements made before that date.

32Implied trust for sale in personalty settlements.

(1)Where a settlement of personal property or of land held upon trust for sale contains a power to invest money in the purchase of land, such land shall, unless the settlement otherwise provides, be held by the trustees on trust for sale; and the net rents and profits until sale, after keeping down costs of repairs and insurance and other outgoings, shall be paid or applied in like manner as the income of investments representing the purchase-money would be payable or applicable if a sale had been made and the proceeds had been duly invested in personal estate.

(2)This section applies to settlements (including wills) coming into operation after the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and eleven, and does not apply to capital money arising under the Settled Land Act, 1925, or money liable to be treated as such.

33Application of Part I. to personal representatives.

The provisions of this Part of this Act relating to trustees for sale apply to personal representatives holding on trust for sale, but without prejudice to their rights and powers for purposes of administration.