Land Registration Act 1925

19Registration of disposition of freeholds.

(1)The transfer of the registered estate in the land or part thereof shall be completed by the registrar entering on the register the transferee as the proprietor of the estate transferred, but until such entry is made the transferor shall be deemed to remain proprietor of the registered estate; and, where part only of the land is transferred, notice thereof shall also be noted on the register.

(2)All interests transferred or created by dispositions by the proprietor, other than a transfer of the registered estate in the land, or part thereof, shall, subject to the provisions relating to mortgages, be completed by registration in the same manner and with the same effect as provided by this Act with respect to transfers of registered estates and notice thereof shall also be noted on the register:

Provided that nothing in this subsection—

(a)shall authorise the registration of a lease granted for a term not exceeding twenty-one years, or require the entry of a notice of such a lease if it is granted at a rent without taking a fine; or

(b)shall authorise the registration of a mortgage term where there is a subsisting right of redemption; or

(c)shall render necessary the registration of any easement, right, or privilege except as appurtenant to registered land, or the entry of notice thereof except as against the registered title of the servient land.

Every such disposition shall, when registered, take effect as a registered disposition, and a lease made by the registered proprietor under the last foregoing section which is not required to be registered or noted on the register shall nevertheless take effect as if it were a registered disposition immediately on being granted.

(3)The general words implied in conveyances under the Law of Property Act, 1925, shall apply, so far as applicable thereto, to dispositions of a registered estate.