Part II Registration of Land

Freehold Land

5 Effect of first registration with absolute title.

Where the registered land is a freehold estate, the registration of any person as first proprietor thereof with an absolute title shall vest in the person so registered an estate in fee simple in possession in the land, together with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances belonging or appurtenant thereto, subject to the following rights and interests, that is to say,—


Subject to the incumbrances, and other entries, if any, appearing on the register; and


Unless the contrary is expressed on the register, subject to such overriding interests, if any, as affect the registered land; and


Where the first proprietor is not entitled for his own benefit to the registered land subject, as between himself and the persons entitled to minor interests, to any minor interests of such persons of which he has notice,

but free from all other estates and interests whatsoever, including estates and interests of His Majesty.