Universities and College Estates Act 1925

15Power to grant land for public and charitable purposes

(1)For the development, improvement, or general benefit of land belonging to the university or college, a university or college may with the consent of the Minister make a grant in fee simple or absolutely, or a lease for any term of years absolute, for a nominal price or rent, or for less than the best price or rent that can reasonably be obtained, or gratuitously, of any land belonging to the university or college, with or without any easement, right or privilege over or in relation to land belonging to the university or college, for all or any one or more of the following purposes, namely :—

(i)For the site or the extension of any existing site of a place of religious worship, residence for a minister of religion, school house, town hall, market house, public library, public baths, museum, hospital, infirmary, or other public building, literary or scientific institution, drill hall, working-men's club, parish room, reading room or village institute, with or without in any case any yard, garden, or other ground to be held with any such building; or

(ii)For the construction, enlargement, or improvement of any railway, canal, road (public or private), dock, sea-wall, embankment, drain, watercourse, or reservoir; or

(iii)For any other public or charitable purpose in connexion with land belonging to the university or college, or tending to the benefit of the persons residing, or for whom dwellings may be erected, on such land:

Not more than one acre shall in any particular case be conveyed for any purpose mentioned in paragraphs (i) and (iii) of this subsection, nor more than five acres for any purpose mentioned in paragraph (ii) of this subsection, unless the full consideration be paid of reserved in respect of the excess.

(2)All money (not being rent) received on the exercise of any power conferred by this section shall be capital money, and be paid to the Minister.