Church of Scotland (Property And Endowments) Act 1925

8 Payment of standardised stipend.U.K.

(1)As from the date of standardisation any stipend which has been standardised under the provisions of this Act shall be payable by the heritors to the General Trustees half-yearly at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas each half-yearly payment being in respect of the half-year preceding the date of payment subject to the following exceptions, namely—

(a)that the first half of the standardised stipend for the year beginning on the date of standardisation shall not become payable until the term of Lammas in that year; and

(b)that the second half of the standardised stipend for that year shall not become payable till the term of Candlemas in the following year.

(2)Where as hereinafter in this Act provided the standard value of the stipend as shown by the teind roll is constituted a real burden or has been redeemed or extinguished as the case may be, the provisions of this section shall cease to have effect, and with respect to payments under this section due or payable before that event the General Trustees shall have all the powers of recovery which according to the present law and practice a minister has with respect to his stipend.