PART IAmendments
Exclusion of application of s. 42 of principal Act to universities and colleges.
1Notwithstanding anything in subsection (4) of section forty-six of the principal Act, section forty-two of that Act shall not apply to universities and colleges.
Extension of certain provisions of principal Act to universities and colleges.
2The purposes to which capital money paid to the Minister by a university or college, and the proceeds of sale of securities representing any such money, may, with the consent of the Minister, be applied, shall include the purposes for which capital money arising under the Settled Land Acts may be applied in pursuance of the following enactments—
(1)Section twenty-one of the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1923;
(2)Paragraph 2 (5) of the Tenth Schedule to the principal Act;
(3)Paragraph 3 (1) of the Tenth Schedule to the principal Act;
(4)Paragraphs (iii), (iv) and (v) of subsection (1) of section sixty-four of the principal Act.