
FIRST SCHEDULE Powers of Queen Anne’s Bounty


Power to appoint agents and to devolve upon bodies or committees appointed by Queen Anne’s Bounty, or constituted in such manner as they may from time to time approve, all or any of the rights, powers and duties conferred or imposed on Queen Anne’s Bounty by this Act, or by virtue of the vesting of property in them under this Act, in relation to the collection and management of any such property, with full authority to such bodies or committees, subject to any general or special directions which may from time to time be given by Queen Anne’s Bounty, to do and execute any act within the powers of Queen Anne’s Bounty in relation to the matters devolved upon such bodies and committees as aforesaid, including powers to take proceedings on account of and in the name of Queen Anne’s Bounty:

Provided that the duty of holding and dealing with sinking fund payments and moneys paid for redemption shall not be so devolved.