
Sections 10 and 14.

FIRST SCHEDULEE+W Powers of Queen Anne’s Bounty

1Power to appoint agents and to devolve upon bodies or committees appointed by Queen Anne’s Bounty, or constituted in such manner as they may from time to time approve, all or any of the rights, powers and duties conferred or imposed on Queen Anne’s Bounty by this Act, or by virtue of the vesting of property in them under this Act, in relation to the collection and management of any such property, with full authority to such bodies or committees, subject to any general or special directions which may from time to time be given by Queen Anne’s Bounty, to do and execute any act within the powers of Queen Anne’s Bounty in relation to the matters devolved upon such bodies and committees as aforesaid, including powers to take proceedings on account of and in the name of Queen Anne’s Bounty:

Provided that the duty of holding and dealing with sinking fund payments and moneys paid for redemption shall not be so devolved.

2Power to provide on such terms as they think fit for the extinction of any tithe rentcharge vested in them by merger of the tithe rentcharge in the freehold of the land out of which it issues in manner provided by the Tithe Acts.

3Power to require the transfer to Queen Anne’s Bounty by an incumbent of a benefice of any documents in his possession or under his control relating to tithe rentcharge attached to the benefice, and the transfer of copies of confirmed instruments of apportionment and of any other instruments deposited in pursuance of the Tithe Acts, 1836 to 1918, in the registry of any diocese, but so that Queen Anne’s Bounty shall be subject to the same obligation, on such transfer being made, to supply copies thereof to such persons and on such terms as the registrar of the diocese from whom the same were transferred was subject.

4Power to make regulations with respect to—

(a)the investment of moneys in the sinking fund and moneys paid to Queen Anne’s Bounty for redemption, and the ascertainment of the share therein of the several benefices and corporations interested;

(b)the ascertainment, pending the preparation of the scheme to be prepared under this Act, of the sums to be deducted under this Act on account of costs of collection, properly attributable to the several benefices and corporations, and the apportionment of such costs between the several benefices, but so that Queen Anne’s Bounty may, if they think fit, exempt (in whole or in part) from liability to contribute to such costs benefices the total incomes arising from which are shown to the satisfaction of Queen Anne’s Bounty to be less than three hundred pounds, and so that the regulations shall provide for the exemption from the liability to contribute to the cost of collection any benefice where as agent for Queen Anne’s Bounty the incumbent thereof collects the sums payable in respect of the tithe rentcharge held on account of the benefice;

(c)the periodical disbursement to the persons entitled thereto of the sums received by Queen Anne’s Bounty in respect of property vested in them under this Act.

5Power to apply towards the cost of collection under this Act any interest arising from money other than money required to be invested which may from time to time be in the hands of Queen Anne’s Bounty under this Act.

6Power to pay out of their corporate funds the expenses of administration under this Act, and to make advances out of such funds to meet such expenses of collection as in the opinion of Queen Anne’s Bounty ought to be spread over a term of years, subject in the case of such advances to recoupment with interest thereon at such rate not exceeding five per cent. per annum, and in such manner and within such time as Queen Anne’s Bounty may determine.