Finance Act 1928

24Suspense account

(1)The Old Sinking Fund for the years ending respectively on the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, and the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, shall, instead of being issued to the National Debt Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of section five of the Sinking Fund Act, 1875, be issued from the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom or the growing produce thereof at such times as the Treasury direct and carried to an account to be established for the purposes of this section and to be known as " the Rating Relief Suspense Account."

(2)The Treasury may out of revenue during the current financial year pay to the Rating Relief Suspense Account such sums as they think fit, and any amount so paid shall be deemed to be expenditure within the meaning of sections four and five of the Sinking Fund Act, 1875.

(3)All sums carried to the Rating Relief Suspense Account in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be applied in such manner as Parliament may hereafter determine.