National Insurance Act 1913

41Special provisions as to Scotland

(1)For the purpose of providing institutions for the treatment of tuberculosis or any such other disease as the Local Government Board for Scotland, with the approval of the Treasury, may appoint, a county council in Scotland shall have power to borrow in terms of the [52 & 53 Vict. c. 50.] Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889, on the security of the general purposes rate, as applied by section eighty of the principal Act, such sums as may be required, and shall have power to acquire, purchase, or take on lease any land ; and the provisions of section five of the [8 Edw. 7. c. 62.] Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1908, shall apply accordingly as if the principal Act and this Act were specified therein.

(2)Expenses of a district committee defrayed out of the public health general assessment within the district in pursuance of an agreement under the principal Act or this Act, or in the exercise of any power of dealing with tuberculosis or such other disease as aforesaid as an infectious disease, shall not be reckoned in any calculation as to the statutory limit of that assessment.

(3)A county council in Scotland that has been authorised by the Board to provide an institution in terms of section sixty-four subsection (2) of the principal Act shall have the same powers of providing treatment for all persons suffering from tuberculosis or such other disease as aforesaid as are possessed by local authorities under the [60 7amp; 61 Vict. c. 38.] Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897, for the treatment of infectious diseases.

(4)At the end of subsection (4) of section eighty of the principal Act, the following shall be added :—

And provided further that, for the purposes of subsection (3) of section sixty-four of this Act, relating to the provision of sanatoria, burghs and police burghs so held to be within the county may receive direct representation in groups or otherwise, on any joint committees, joint boards, or other bodies thereby constituted, in such manner as may be determined by the Board.

(5)All proceedings for any contravention of, or non-compliance with, any of the provisions of Part I. or of Part III., so far as relating to matters under Part I. of the principal Act or this Act, or the regulations made thereunder, shall in Scotland be instituted and carried on under the provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Scotland) Acts, and may be taken at the instance of the procurator fiscal or of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners.

(6)Where an employer in Scotland has failed or neglected to pay any contributions which, under Part I. of the principal Act, he is liable to pay in respect of an employed contributor, the amount which he has so failed or neglected to pay shall be a debt due from the employer to the Commissioners, and shall be recoverable by the Commissioners summarily as a civil debt: Provided that the powers conferred by this section on the Commissioners shall be deemed to be in supplement of and nowise in restriction of the powers conferred upon them or upon members of approved societies by the principal Act.

(7)The reference in this Act to the Lord Chancellor shall, as respects Scotland, be construed as a reference to the Lord President of the Court of Session.