1. Introductory Text

  2. 1. Meaning of “port” and “madeira” as applied to wine.

  3. 2. Short title.


      Text of Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Portugal

      1. Article 1

        1. There shall be between the territories of the two contracting...

        2. The subjects or citizens of each of the two contracting...

      2. Article 2

        1. The subjects or citizens of each of the contracting Parties...

      3. Article 3

        1. The contracting Parties agree that in all matters relating to...

      4. Article 4

        1. The subjects or citizens of each of the contracting Parties...

        2. The subjects or citizens of each of the contracting Parties...

      5. Article 5

        1. Articles the produce and manufacture of one of the contracting...

      6. Article 6

        1. His Britannic Majesty’s Government engage to recommend to Parliament to...

      7. Article 7

        1. No prohibition or restriction shall be maintained or imposed on...

        2. Nor shall any prohibition or restriction be maintained or imposed...

      8. Article 8

        1. Merchandise of all kinds the produce or manufacture of one...

      9. Article 9

        1. Goods of all kinds, the produce or manufacture of one...

      10. Article 10

        1. The stipulations of the present treaty with regard to the...

        2. Articles imported by commercial travellers as samples shall, in each...

        3. In order to facilitate the clearance of samples of goods...

      11. Article 11

        1. Each of the contracting Parties shall permit the importation or...

      12. Article 12

        1. Notwithstanding any thing in this treaty either of the contracting...

        2. British and Portuguese vessels may nevertheless proceed from one port...

        3. It is also understood that no vessel shall be considered...

      13. Article 13

        1. No duties of tonnage, harbour, pilotage, lighthouse, quarantine, or other...

      14. Article 14

        1. In all that regards the stationing, loading, and unloading of...

      15. Article 15

        1. Any vessel of either of the contracting Parties which may...

        2. If any vessel of one of the contracting Parties should...

        3. The contracting Parties agree, moreover, that merchandise saved shall not...

        4. In the case either of a vessel being driven in...

      16. Article 16

        1. All vessels which, according to British law, are to be...

      17. Article 17

        1. Limited liability and other companies and associations, commercial, industrial, and...

      18. Article 18

        1. It shall be free to each of the high contracting...

      19. Article 19

        1. The consuls and consular agents of each of the contracting...

        2. Provided that this stipulation shall not apply to subjects or...

      20. Article 20

        1. The subjects or citizens of each of the high contracting...

      21. Article 21

        1. The present treaty shall extend, as regards Portugal, to the...

        2. Nevertheless, the goods produced or manufactured in any of His...

        3. Colonial goods re-exported from the mother country of one of...

      22. Article 22

        1. Any controversy which may arise between the contracting Parties regarding...

        2. A court of arbitration shall in each case be constituted...

      23. Article 23

        1. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications shall...

        2. As regards, however, the dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates which...

        3. It is understood that the stipulations of the present and...

        4. Final Protocol

          1. On proceeding to sign the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation...

      24. Ad Article 17

        1. It is understood that the provisions of Article 17 do...

        2. It is understood that the provisions of this treaty, which...

        3. It is understood that this treaty shall not come into...

        4. The present protocol, which shall be considered as approved and...

        5. Declaration

          1. The plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty on signing the treaty...